Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Monday, November 26, 2012

Up and Down

My world is a roller coaster.  And not the Judge Roy Scream, either.

I'm talking Titan, all the way baby.

I remember watching Parenthood, the movie, and the grandma telling Steve Martin, that she loved going to the fair, and riding the roller coaster...that yes, the merry go round, was safe, but the roller coaster, turned you up and over and inside out.... and Mary Steenburgen so mad at him, and telling him that his grandmother was brilliant, and him looking out the window and saying, "If she's so brilliant, why is she getting in the neighbor's car?"

Even in a brilliant moment, you are on the cusp of being a dork.  At least, I am.

I was dressed in my best today, and hit my hose on my bag walking in and walked around with a runner in the top of my hose ALL day.  Cool.

I have to set a mini-office up everytime I have an appointment and make a sale (which, praise the Lord, I'm 3 for 3), but seriously, have to set up EVERYTHING, and I'll be danged if I don't ALWAYS forget a cord, or paper, or the sign dealy.... brilliance with just a bit of dork thrown in.

Lovely is having some serious issues.  Even though seems to be settling in and doesn't give me much problem in some things, we have a major issue going, and I don't feel at liberty to discuss it on here.  Which is weird, because I bare my soul, but this is private and weird, and I just hope that I can help her though this and get it resolved.  I've never dealt with this particular issue, and it's way out of my scope of expertise... not that I have any...I've just be super lucky.

But then on the flip side of that crap factory (used the word), there is my cell phone ringing and LB's teacher on the phone, praising him, and telling me how he loves me and Hallie and talks about us, and wrote a 2 page story on Thanksgiving, and that most of the kids were only able to write 2 sentences.  I told her it was a big deal to him.... She said, "I can tell".  So LB is doing fantastic.

I woke up in a cold sweat over Big Sis last night.  She is 17 and basically on her own, and if someone has any ideas for me on how to help this sweet girl, and get her motivated into getting into college for 4 years and living in a dorm and having a chance at a normal life...I am all ears.   I talked to my placement officer for a long time today, and she gave me some suggestions.  If anyone knows a high school counselor that has all the answers for college entrance and a bit of knowledge of the foster care system....get in touch with me.  She has her GED, and went to Job Corps and got her CNA, but is too young to work as a CNA.  (Mom lied to get her in the program, isn't that special?)

I'm down tonight people, maybe even on the border of a crap factory.  I know I'm helping these kids, but I am overwhelmed with the problems with Lovely.

I imagine that God looks down on me, and gets a bit overwhelmed himself, at all the stunts I carry out in a day.  I know He will never give up on me, no matter WHAT I do, so who am I to give up on this kid?  Who else could do this?  Who else WOULD?

One day at a time.   One day at a time......  Prayers are coveted......

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