I have Netflix.
I gave up cable a few months back, and to keep Hallie pacified on the need to have zillions of shows at your disposal, I opted for $7.99 a month Netflix through our Wii.
It's been exceptional.
I watched Friday Night Lights, Prison Break and All 5 seasons of Grey's Anatomy is quick succession, and after you've "Net-flixed" through a series, it seems silly to wait a week to have to watch a stupid tv show.
We are spoiled rotten turd muffins.
Anyway, LB and Lovely were flipping through my 8 channels, and all the sudden the "Mansion" lost it's appeal. So, I introduced them to Netflix.
Oh, boy.
After thrilling over finding Ally McBeal, and Wonder Years, it didn't occur to me that there is like 2 and one half million episodes of Japanimation crappage, that of course, little Vietnamese Children, would LOVE.
So, I have been introduced to Avatar. It's a weird experience. I see Chinese people on the screen, and they have hick California voices. A few episodes ago, there were even redneck ninjas, talking in a hick accent.
It freaks me out.
I loathe it. Beyond loathing. Takes me back to Barney days. And maybe even Teletubbies. Yep, it's bad.
But, the lovelies like it. It makes them all kind of happy.
I tried Hannah Montana. I tried Phineas and Pherb. I tried.
I did. And when I tell them it freaks me out, they tell me, "You freak ME out". I believe that. So we watch Avatar and some show named Naruto, spoken in Chinese with subtitles.
Needless to saw, now I dream of a chinese kid with an arrow on his head talking in valley speak. Or everything is subtitled. Neat-o.
I'm learning all kinds of fun things being a foster mom.
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