Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Love and a side of kleenex, please

Everyone has been hacking up a lung for about a week now.  LB has been dragging around, and Hallie woke up with no voice.

This mom had reached the end of her rope.

So, we took a quick trip to the "Doc in a Box' down the street, and 1 hour later, we have 2 diagnosis of sinus infection (Hal & Lovely) and a neat case of strep (LB).

Oh joy to my soul and goodness.

I start a new job on Friday.

I'm taking college classes.

I have 3 sick kids.

GOD, hello.  Where are you right now?

Here's the deal.  And you're going to think I'm a weirdo, but I don't care.  Back when Laynie was so sick, I would be so deep in prayer at bedtime, that I would fall asleep praying.  Inevitably, I would wake up praying, as well.  And during that early morning prayer, I could hear God speak into me.  It was so incredibly cool.  And I have never felt so much peace as I did those days.  It was when I was at my most broken and surrendered, that I heard His voice.

After she died, I heard him for awhile, then life creeped in, and I didn't hear Him anymore.  I would struggle to hear Him, but I just couldn't.

Then I went out of my head, and followed His lead for me, to take on this Foster Mom role,  and things are CRAZY and WILD, and I am SO out of my element, and I'm hearing His voice again.

He calms me in the morning, when I wake up sweating that I'm over my head. (Or in a menopausal sweat, they are very similar)

He calms me when I'm driving, and I think that I can't take anymore.

He loves me when I'm sitting in a doctors office, with 3 budding comedians trying to outdo each other, and I know that no matter what is happening around me, and what is going to happen......

He is there.

1 comment:

  1. 3 budding comedians? Does that mean Lovely has found her sense of humor in your family? What a victory.
