So, yesterday at 5:00 I posted a facebook status that said "I am conducting an experiment that I am going to blog the results. If you read this, please comment below. I don't care if it says "Hi Laura, you're whacked", or "My dog likes popsicles". Just comment so I can see how long the thread will be (and certainly entertaining, as my friends are SO) and random. Give it a whirl.
Well, 24 hours later, I had 170 comments. Some of them are my very vocal friends, that have to chime in every 3 comments or so, (yes, I'm talking about you, Cyndi Izard Bracy) but for the most part, it was a whirlwind funfest of comments and thoughts.
My new years resolution was to blog EVERY SINGLE DAY. I have failed miserably. But now I have a renewed purpose. I watch my friends do the 365 pictures in 365 days (Lacey did this last year), and take a "Picture of the day".... well, I'm going to use that concept and go one step further. I have always wanted to be sure and write something to everyone I know before I die. Because I love you all, (well, most of you, anyway), and have always wanted to figure out a way to let you know how much you mean to me before you and/or I are taken from this place. I lost a high school friend Mark Gibson this past year, and I really despaired that I never got to talk to him and let him know how he made my high school years so much brighter. His quiet wit, and zest for zany, and prank-in-and-out self, just really made life fun those days. And I never told him.. and he died. SOOOOOOOO, I am going to pick 1, 2 or 3 of the comments that people left me, COMMENT back (which was killing me during this experiment, to keep my everloving mouth shut), show my take on what you said, and then share with everyone what I love about you, or like about you, depending how well our paths have crossed. Does that sound fun or lame? I don't care what you say it's my blog.
And the beautiful thing is, you are NEVER going to know when it's YOU! So you will need to subscribe to my blog and read me EVERYDAY to NOT miss you post. (Ok, you don't have to do this, because I will probably let you know on your FB page, when I do pick your comment.) I'm just nice that way.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... the million dollar question is......who is the winner of the FIRST COMMENT BLOG??????????????????? I know everyone is DYYYYYIIIINNNNGGGG to know (not really, but I have to kid myself into believing that this will be fun for you as it will be for me), and the winner is........................................the very first commenter of the thread.....Mrs. Lori Binau Edwards !!!!!!
DAH DAH! And it was such a profound and deep and thought out comment...... wait for it......
"I HAVE GAS......"
That got the ball rolling. The good thing to understand was there was no where to go but UP.
170 comments followed that one. Here's what I thought of.... after reading that profound and deep thought..
Which, knowing her like I do, is probably exactly what she was going for........But it could also mean this....
Which means she got paid and headed to the pump for a fill up of all her hard earned money.
She also won the prize for being my 100th comment, even though she sealed the deal, by being the 98th, (I'm typing), 99th (I'm tired), AND 100th (I'm 100th!!). (cheater).... Because that's just how she rolls.
I met Lori back, oh man, I am going to date us here, back in the late 80's early 90's, when hair was big, and shoulderpads were bigger, I got my nails done at the hair salon in which she worked. In all the years I have known her, I have NEVER seen her not dressed to the 9's, makeup perfect in everyway, looking like 2 zillion dollars. .. my friend makes me snort and guffaw everyday with her random and hilarious facebook statuses. She loves the Lord, her church (New Beginnings, Shawnee), her sweet hubs (Weather Chaser), and her puppies, she gives a mean haircut, so if you are ever in need, look her up at TANGLES in Shawnee, and she will hook you up. Just be ready to laugh so much your stomach hurts. She is that cool.
So, Lori Edwards... I love you. You have brightened my life and cracked me up daily for many years. I am so blessed to know you, and know how awesome your heart is for God, your family, and your friends.
Thus ends today's comment blog, and now you only have to keep reading to see what I'm going to say about YOU!!!
(I'll think of the best stuff, I promise)....
SWEET! I'm stoked, but I didn't need a hook to follow your every word... ;) however, I'm pretty darn excited that I'll be included and I don't have to sit back and watch it go by for everyone else... those poor non-facebook-addicted people that may have missed it will be terribly sad to know that they wont get to be included... :) ..... :) again
ReplyDeleteLaura this idea is sooooo you!!! Love it!! You know that you're amazing, right??
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your comments daily! You are always full of life! Love following your sometimes deep, most times zany comments on life! Love you, Laura!
ReplyDeleteSooooo FUN and very thoughtful. Can't wait to read them all!