Day Seven..........Meet Paula Cook
and Jacy Townsley
I met these two at a time I needed some good friends. I wasn't in a very good marriage, I was so ashamed of my decisions, and I needed friends that were good, God-fearing, fun-loving woman that could bring me through the murk. Enter Jacy and Paula. Jacy is from Texas and she is almost obnoxious about it. She has a deep Texas drawl, and the absurdities in life make her happiest. She posts pictures like this on her facebook

That's my Jacy. Paula is a bit more subtle in her humor, though, trust me, she is just as bizarre as Jacy. They were friends at SNU, and the two of them together.... oh, Charlie, bar the door. They could get me on a crazy high in about 3.5 seconds, just being around them.
TRUE STORY: Woman of Faith, probably 1999 or so, St. Louis. 2 15 passenger van fulls of CHristian woman heading to St. Louis. That is a lot of Christian woman (with a LOT of different personalities) in a bus for a long long long long long long time. I think Paula told us throw up stories, and Jacy shared similar things, and we told crude jokes probably for 2-3 hours of this trip, the other 9 we listened to Jacy burp, and make fart noises with her hands. Paula was really good at it, too. These girls have real skills. It was bad, it was raunchy, it was awesome. So, fast forward to FINALLY getting to the hotel. FINALLY after one million hours of driving in a van with 15 other cranky women, we are there. It is late, we are hungry, so the three of us go in search of food. What I didn't realize was that this wasn't only a hotel, but it was a maze built to confuse and destroy sense of direction at all costs. Really. My sense of direction is just one dabble past ridiculous, and little did I know my companions had less navigation skills than I. Nor did I know that Jacy was cruising around with an extremely full bladder. There were perfectly good bathrooms in every single hotel room, could she NOT have gone before we left on our adventure?? Paula's applying lip gloss every 23 seconds because she is addicted to lip gloss like crack, and Jacy is needing to pee so bad, she is hopping up and down. And we get off the elevator wrong, on some random floor, and head off in the WRONG direction, and really should have thrown bread crumbs, had I known. Or even drops of pee would have been helpful. We get in the SERVICE elevator and go to the 1st floor, which in service elevator land, is the same as the room service floor. We pile off the elevator and there is nothing but what looks to be like a place where they gather and torture animals. The elevator has closed and we are waiting for the next one and it opens and we jump on it...along with 14 pushcarts of picked up, used, already been eaten on, plates of food picked up from room service. Paula proceeds to start trolling the carts, looking for snacks, and by this time, Jacy's eyeballs are floating out of her face, and we get so tickled, the bladder just ceases to work. Jacy grabs a few CLOTH NAPKINS from the room service trays and stuffs them down her undies to soak up any excess (YES I AM TELLING THIS STORY), and we are literally laying on the floor crying. The homeless ladies from OKC, trolling the service elevators, looking for food and waste areas. Paula must have applied lip gloss 996 times those 2 days we were there. and Jacy, finally pulled it together after we found our way back to our room (It took over an hour for this adventure). Needless to say, we weren't allowed out alone without a chaperone from that point on.
Paula's comment ... "Remember when you counted how many times I applied lip gloss in a day?" Uhm, hello.
And Jacy's comment was
"I Just jumped on the band wagon, whatever that means. I used to know the origins to that saying, but now I forgot, and I don't care, cause I'm laying in bed typing with one thumb because I'm too lazy to move my arm out from under my pillow. Yeah, I'm still in bed". Oh, my, america, I could do so much with that comment, but I'll stick to the band wagon effect...
All I gotta say is these people have a whole bunch of crap on their bandwagons. Kind of reminds me of the two vans of Christian ladies that made their way to St Louis.
This beautiful lady is Sheila Gagnon, and she is Paula's older, much more mature, lip gloss applying (as well) sister. She taught both of my girls in school, and man, oh man, oh man, can she sing. Talent off the charts.
She also has, maybe, one of the cutest little boys I have ever laid eyes on.
Her comment.... "Whatever blows your skirt up".
I've always wanted a picture of MM on my blog. SO there ya go.
Paula and her family are some of my favorite people. Nate Jr and Hallie were betrothed at birth, but I think he has already moved on, and won't be honoring our family marriage contract. Brat.
Of course, Jacy, since she has so many pictures of her kids doing weird and random things, I could only come up with these to show off her precious family....
Little brainwashed suckers. Cute, though.
Oh my goodness.... thank God for our crazy, wonderful, younger friends. Just stay off elevators, and avoid using any cloth napkins in hotels in St. Louis.
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