Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Living beyond

I listen to KLove all the time.  I love the announcers, the music, the content...I love all of it.  Today was no exception.

I've been totally down this week.  One reason....

Missing a little someone like no other.  Really mired in the thinking of missing her... totally absorbed with it.

So, as always, God sent me a message...this time through KLOVE.   I was driving home from work, and it was a Moment from "The Woman of Faith".. a spot they have on everyday.   Today it was from Marilyn Meberg, who reminds me exactly of my mama.    Her words were on loss.   (of course they were)

"I know when I lost my child, that I lost all reason for a time. I finally had to come to terms that I couldn't just "Live through it", I had to "Live Beyond it".  My life was going to go on.  My other children's lives were going to go on.  I had continuity to my life, just a deep piece of my soul that forever belongs to that child, knowing that she lives on eternally in my heart and soul, as a living, breathing, person to be met and cherished again, in heaven".

Thank you, God.  For always talking to me when I need it.  Always.

I hurt for people that lose someone, and get so buried in the loss, they lose sight of what they truly have.  And this is in anything... a death, a divorce, a relationship, a job, a friend... you get so focused on what you HAD, you forget how wonderful life is, and what you HAVE.  I'm so blessed.  I have friends, and beautiful kids, and my mom and bubba, and it's just amazing how bulletproof and insulated you become, when you let God just have ya.

Don't just live through it..... live beyond it. 

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