I'm diggin out last year's blog about 2 of my friends that invited me to their beach party, about a month after we had lost Laynie. It was exactly where I needed to be, and I loved every second of the visit. They both commented on my wall, and because they are so witty and clever... I couldn't even find pictures to make the comments funnier....because they are already great without pictures.
Of course I am talking about my friends, CASH & KATY MATTHEWS
See why I love them??
My blog from last summer....
When I accepted the invitation to spend the weekend with the Matthews, I was so tired and depressed at the time of agreement, it didn't really occur to me what was going on in Port Aransas. They asked, I thought "Beach" and I didn't even hesitate for a second with a resounding, "You Bet."
What I didn't know, and would soon find out, is.... Cash Matthews is "kind of a big deal". OK, I know my friend has been very successful in his business life. I know he's been successful in his marriage. I know he's got a wonderful recreational side of him that golfs ,(so good, he could go pro) has a place in the national hall of fame for BMX racing (he was COOL, before the sport became cool) and has one of the quickest wits I have ever been around (faster than me)... and that's something.
Cash is one of my oldest friends. We met as first graders. That was 43 years ago. We meandered through grade school together until he had the audacity to move in 5th grade. Then we hooked up again in 7th grade, knew each other all through high school, he went on to college and greatness, I went on to making as many bad life choices as I could in a 25 year period and through all those years, we stayed in touch. Through email, class reunions, an occasional phone call...he was one of "those friends"
I met his wife right after he married her. I immediately knew that Cash had married above him. She was and still is, a light. She is someone you can meet and feel like you have known your whole life. She oozes kindness from every pore, but the best part of Katy is how much she loves and adores Cash. He'll tell you, he's one lucky man. They had their first daughter Audrey right after I had Hallie, so we were "old" parents. Then they went on to have Sarah, who is now almost 2, and though you may sit there appalled that at nearly 50 they have a 2 year old???? All I can say is Meet Her. She is a spunky, adorable, totally knows what she wants and who she is, baby. She put me on a healing road hanging out with her this weekend. Just 100% cool as her dad and mom. Now I don't want to leave out Audrey either, because she is 100% cool, too.
When we finally got to the Tarpon Inn, in PortA, which is a treasure in itself, there were people everywhere. "I thought only your top employees were going to be here." So, I didn't ask many questions, just hung back and watched interaction between my old friend and his guests. First observation, all the kids love him. This isn't just an employee thing, this is the company and 'bring your family". This is a prolific company. Kids EVERYWHERE. Hallie was in heaven. Second observation, everyone in his company respects him. And I don't mean "oh he's the boss, you HAVE to respect him" type thing, but truly respects and LIKES him. That will tell you a lot about a person's character. You know those "plants" they sometimes put in the bachelor's cast to give him inside information about all the girls he is dating?? I so could have been Cash's plant. And all I could have reported back to him was "Everyone loves you and Katy."
Which brings me to my next point. "Cash and Katy". It's not just Cash, and it's not just Katy.. It's Cash and Katy. Like a two headed one body being. When you ask ANYBODY about ANYTHING, it's answered with "Cash and Katy." There is no gray area, in either one of this couple's importance. There is no gender bias, there is no power struggle, they are a team, a respected team that walks hand in hand through the day, that decides things together, and shares successes and failures. They are "Cash and Katy". Period.
And they have a vision. Which, I was privileged enough to finally get one tip of a glimpse of who my friend has become. I knew Cash was talented. I knew he is a "God fearing" Christian. But I didn't know he was a tiger among men. A visionary of the highest caliber that is on fire to change the world. He is working to have a plan that can change families lives, help them finally take control of what they should have been in control in all along.. Financial, spiritual, realational.... All goals that every family should have. And everyone is invited. This isn't for only the wealthy, if you have $1, you are in. Pretty happy that included me.
As I listened to him last night, talk about his vision, and celebrate successes in his people, I was struck by his charisma. Only one other person has struck me as a charismatic leader of people and that is my preacher, Craig Groeschel. What he has to say, people should listen to. He is concerned 100% about your spiritual walk. And he has a partner in his wife of "Amy" and rarely will he give himself props without including her "Amy & I" and the church recognizes him as "Craig and Amy". So, it's not lost on me that the two most powerful, charismatic men in my world that have vision and leadership skills have women by their sides that are their 100% equals, and sold out Christians. I sat listening to Cash last night, talk to his "people" and reward them and talk to them about taking control of their own lives... I was deeply moved. And then he shocked the snot out of me by awarding me the first annual "Hope" award. And asking me to speak. I think about speaking all the time. I want to speak, holy smokes, I speak about her every day. But then standing in front of all those people, I went brain dead on my elevator version of her story; So I stumbled through a bit, and now all his people know who I am, and my undercover work is done. Which in truth it was done anyway, because everyone loves Cash Matthews. Respects Cash Matthews. Honors Cash Matthews. Because he is the "real deal" and "kind of a big deal" too (I'll share my placque with him)
If Craig Groeschel could be in charge of this country's spiritual walk, and Cash Matthews be in charge of everything else, we'd have the CHANGE that everyone is longing for. We'd have the kind of lives we all dream and aspire to have.
But he isn't running for office. He is making a difference with his life. He will go out knowing he made a difference. And that is greatness.
Cash and Katy. It's a powerful thing. How blessed I am to call them friends.
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