ROCK STAR, and I when I figured out what his real name was, Rockstar stuck. Even to this day. Next, Lisa DiPaola is my other "New Yorker" friend, and she kept our books rolling and published. Lisa has been a solid Laynie fan from DAY 1, all the way back when they published her picture in the Wagon newsletter, announcing her birth, Lisa was on board. She was a constant prayer support from New York, and I adore and love her.
Rob borrowed my comment that he truly adores for his "Comment" because he knew I'd crack up....... You've all heard me say it 2 million times...
When hearing that term for the first time, I either crack people up or disgust the snot out of them... very little deviation from that..... so there is two ways to look at this very ridiculous comment..... either cracked up...
Crap? a Monkey? I don't think so.
CRAP! A! MONKEY! I don't! THINK! so!
Lisa put a sweet comment about me being a great mom and Lolly, so I just wanna show you a picture she sent me shortly after she got her Laynie bracelets in the mail.....
Laynie Love on her husbands arm, and their newest addition to the family, Bella, who is now a year old. Layniezillas in New York..... in the house!The next two I want to introduce you to are......
On the left, Ms. Mid Texas, Alicia Hopkins
and Ms. Springfield, MO, Kristina Parry.
These two girls can get me to laughing so hard it's kind of embarrassing. We didn't get together very often in Wagon land, but when we had group meetings.... we had SOOO much fun. All the girls were so supportive of Laynie, because I was working at WW when Lacey was diagnosed and Laynie was born... lots of Laynie love from all fronts ....
Kristina shares the love of laughter with me, and her comment was something like "No comment", and she wrote a few seconds later... "I have to clean my computer monitor after reading her posts" (meaning she shoots pop and stuff out her nose, when reading my nonsense) I understand this completely, because I normally do the same thing when reading her nonsense.
I really couldn't decide which one I liked better.
Alicia said "All right, I join in your reindeer game."
The last picture kind of looks like us at our last WW conference. :) Do you see why I am enjoying this so much? I know the coolest people....
Until tomorrow........
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