Babies are adorable.
Sometimes they wear cute hats and curl their toes all cute in pictures.
For the most part they stand around and hold hands and love each other.
Or they get herd mentality, and all cry at the same time.
Any way at all, I love me some babies.
I love everything about babies, except for one thing. They carry germs like carrier monkeys.
Holy germophobe, batman.
And then, before you even turn around twice, totally innocent hardworking woman are reduced to this....
And you take the wrong medicine beofre you go to bed, and you are awake ALL night, which makes you fall asleep at your desk at work, and your boss, has to poke you in the arm to see if you are still alive and breathing. '

True story. Ok, I wasn't on the ground, but the first one totally could be me.
And it's all because I can't resist these....
Dang babies.
So I'm going to soak my head in Lysol tonight and get to feeling better and tomorrow I am going to blog about two boys. You're sure to enjoy it. Until tomorrow, Aaaaa- choo.
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