Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Chapters of your LIfe

I attended the funeral of the girls' great uncle yesterday.  It was such a joyful homecoming.  I always am so sad, when a preacher stands in front of the church, at the end of someone's life, and have no idea who they are, or what they meant to everyone.  They say inane things, and try to comfort a family they don't know, and say empty words.

That to me is the saddest funeral.

Yesterday's funeral was a homecoming.  The preacher knew Floyd, inside and out, and intimately knew the family, and every word from his mouth was a sincere, loving farewell.

That is rare these days.  The picture he painted, we all knew.  Every word he spoke was truth, and poignant.

He called him a "gentleman's gentleman" and truer words could not be spoken..

We are studying "Your Story" at church.  I am not proud of some of my chapters.  I have made many mistakes in my life, and the legacy I was leaving, was not something I was proud of.

The beautiful thing about grace.....God gives it.  And I received it.  Floyd's chapters were all about integrity, and hard work and commitment to the Lord and his family.

There is no greater legacy to leave.

I'm really struggling these days.  The enemy all over my heart.  I know it, I see it, I feel it, and I still feel powerless to overcome it.

I'm not sure how much longer I am going to be able to foster.  It is so much harder than I ever dreamed it to be.  I am so tired, and so overwhelmed, and so defeated.

The kids are doing great.  Don't get me wrong, I'm the weak one.  I'm the selfish one.  I'm the one that longs for a quiet house, a long bath, being alone for an evening.

None of these things can happen.  I'm being selfish, but I am so tired.  I feel I keep another woman's children so she can live scott free.  That's the enemy all over me, but I can't help how I feel.  I'm hoping in putting it to  writing, I can overcome the anger I feel at a woman I don't know.

I raised three children.  Or two, and am still raising one.  I've worked my whole life.  I don't understand how a person can live with their self and NOT be doing everything in their power to get their kids back.  This lady assumes her kids are better off, and isn't even trying.

And if I give up, I'm a punk.  They go back to the shelter, or even worse, a terrible foster home.  If I stay the course, I get more bitter and more angry, and end up a black hole.

I need prayers to rain on me.  I don't know how I can keep doing this.  I'm a terrible selfish person, because all I want is my life back.  And it's not MINE to take back, I've given it to the Lord, and this is HIS will, and HIS call, and HIS direction.

I understand the stages of grief.  They are even evident in foster care.  Right now I'm in "ANGER" stage, and it's sucking the joy.  SATAN, I am over it.

No one said it would be easy.

I just didn't know it would be so hard.


  1. Well, dang, Laura, you mean you're HUMAN?!?! It's kind of good to know that you're not a saint cause girl, you have taken on an extremely large task and seem to be excelling. At least the kids are responding and doing well. And yeah, it's got to be hard to see your life take such a drastic change from having quite a bit of freedom to being absolutely smothered by "NEED". But what a glorious chore God has given you! To take two young lives and show them the way.....HIS way! He will guide you and help you. I wish I lived closer and could give you a night out. There are probably all sorts of rules concerning sitters for foster kids. Please don't get down on yourself for your feelings. It's beyond normal to grieve for the loss of your life as you used to know it! And keep in mind that you are taking two little lives and being the world to them. Girl, I am praying along with a whole bunch of your friends for you to have the AA (attitude adjustment) to keep you from going ca-wazy!!!! Can't wait for you to get back to Facebook....been missing you!

    1. Thanks Jen- your words mean so much!!! Appreciate you! (and CANNOT wait to get back, either)

  2. Laura, you are the bravest person I know. You are strong. Why don't you take this opportunity to teach the lovelies how to be of service to others. Namely you. Teach them little ways to do kind things for others. Let them bring you a glass of sweet tea and your slippers It could be fun for them and it will give you joy, too. I love you! You can do this. God has the plan.

  3. If I'm brave, I learned it from you. I'll have you know WHILE I was writing this blog, my lovelies TOTALLY cleaned the house and surprised me. I'm just a noob, it will all be fine, I'm just having a day. I'm almost over it, and it's only like 12 days til I'm back on. And I'll probably do something less taxing to fast on next water. It would be easier. LOL Love you guys.

    1. There really needs to be a "like" button and how do I get notifications on this stuff!?! Heck, I can't even find it unless I go to your FB page! Who knew when you fasted the rest of us did, too?! I'm going to be so spiritual when you're through! Love you so muchly!!

  4. Subscribe under "followers". You get a notification when I post.

  5. I don't know if you read my comment on one of your posts last week, but I am a foster parent too, I'm 51 years old and have 3 grown daughters. I also went back to school at 47 and got my bachelors degree at 50. I totally understand those feelings about fostering - they have entered my mind many times. (If I didn't have this baby I could go out to eat, go to a movie, go shopping, just do whatever I wanted to do, etc.) But you can do it through Him - He can give you the strength just when you don't think you will make it through another night or day. I need that assurance today too, I was up with a cranky 7 month old most of the night who doesn't do well after her shots and a 10 month old that has a virus throwing up and diarrhea. Praying for you. Janell Huntsman

    1. Thanks Janell- I did read your stuff...I'm still reeling there are 2 of us. :) Except you are far braver than me, taking on newborns. I'm too in need of sleep for that. :) God bless you and hope all your babies get well soon!

    2. Another thing we have in common - when I saw your post on the uncle that passed away then it said the Deaton family. I thought he looked like someone I knew and I grew up going to church with Estle & Doris Deaton. They were good friends with my parents and I took my dad to both of their funerals in the last year.
