Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

I just want to share with you a minute of blessings.

I was talking with Chad Vice today (the managing partner at the funeral home I work), and we were talking about blessings.

How once you "Get" it, and see the blessings that begat blessings, you are so propelled into doing more than you ever dreamed you could.

Ok, let me back up.

I haven't been faithful in tithing.  I have been a faithful tither most of my adult life.  And I've been abundantly blessed in my financial life.  I never connected the two.  I just thought I was a stud at work.  (LOL).

Then God decided I needed to learn a lesson.  And my wealth was taken away from me.  And I was stripped down to the minimum of everything.  (except my smart phone, which I refuse to live without).

In my scariest no money times, I faithfully tithed.  And God supplied my needs.  Every time.

I haven't been convicted to tithe the last couple of months, because it's been really tight.  I mean REALLY tight.

But this past Sunday, I felt that conviction come over me and I abundantly gave my tithe.And knew I didn't have much to live on until the 15th, but a deal with God, is a deal with God.  10% baby.

Then one of my friends came up and gave me a handshake, which is a little less than the hug I am used to with her (LOL), and in my hand I found money.  "Buy your family lunch on me".   WHAT?  How awesome are you?

Then, just a little bit after that, another friend (staffer at church) handed me an envelope with a mazzio's gift card and a 7-11 gift card (knowing my love of pizza and Big Gulps).

I just smiled all day Sunday.

Then Monday in my mailbox was a precious letter from my friend, telling me how proud she was, and how she felt led to share her side business money with me.  I'm supposed to keep in on the Downlow or Lowdown (I never can remember which way to say that), so here I am blogging about it.  A LOT of money. A blessing of abundance.  I just cried in my car.

Then I got the news about BB today, and another monetary gift arrived from an unexpected source.  I just was speechless.

Friends, you can't outgive God.  For those of you, worriedly hoarding your money, instead of tithing, and worrying about how you will make ends meet if you do the simplest act of obeying God, and that is giving of your 10% tithe.

He will abundantly bless you.  Not a little, not a smidge, not a nose....but BIG and AMAZING and JOYFUL.  The more you GIVE, of your time, your energy, your love, your sacrifice, the MORE he blesses you.

"God nudged me to help you".    "I had to do it, I was being told to".   Don't ignore the voices in your head.  (Unless they are weird and sound like Claude Van Damme, then ignore them).   BE GENEROUS.  Not just at Christmas, and Not to me..... to everyone around you.   Be extravagant in your lives, and you will not BELIEVE the abundant blessings that will come over you.

You can NOT outgive God.   I dare you to try, because it will ROCK your world.

God is SO good, all the time.

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