Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Friday, February 2, 2018


I got an excellent report on Zachary yesterday when I went in for his first IEP meeting at his new school.

His 2nd grade teacher came in and was very puzzled why he was on an IEP.  They thought it was because he spits when he talks and he needs speech therapy.

No ladies, he couldn't add or read 15 months ago.

His first day of classes, the new teacher, not knowing he was on an IEP, administered the tests to see where he fell in the "food chain" (so to speak)

He was #1 in reading and #1 in math.

No big. 

I'm not going to lie, I did the Carlton dance in the counselors office. 

They liked me more than any other parent, ever to grace their office, I am sure of it. 

So I'm busting my buttons and can't wait to praise him at our "What's the best part of your day" at the dinner table. 

My turn comes around, and I'm all casual, like "Oh Zach only tested the best in his class in his entrance exams."

Pandemonium STRIKES.

Zach, sitting up straighter, throws out, "Lolly, I just did what you told me like Steven and threw on my OSU cap". 

Do WHAT?  Everything about his smart "prowess" was discounted in one quick sentence?

Steven is rolling (literally) on the floor at my incredulous look I'm giving Zachary.   OSU?  WHAT?

He started laughing, and we just shelved the OSU talk. 

Fast foward to today.  I'm talking about Steven with some ranch people, and I'm telling them how he struggles when he has to turn in a paper.  He literally won't answer questions,  he is so afraid he is going to answer them wrong.

So his first day at Guthrie, as he was leaving the house, I gave Steven this sage advice.... "Bud, remember at school, sometimes you have to take off your OCD hat and just go for it." 

As I was telling this story, I had flashbacks of the youngest vietnamese solemnly telling me he threw off his OSU cap....and went for it."


Oh my america.   Ain't life grand?

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