Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Sunday, February 18, 2018

When Worship is the Way to Live

Holy Moly Worship Leader.

Lifechurch was on FIRE this morning as Craig Groeschel delivered an ANOINTED message, straight from God.

I left sobbing.  Tears.  Snot.  Anointed.

I've had a hard few days.  I mean.

H. A. R. D.

These kids like to argue.

And argue.

And pick.

And argue.

I'm used to my vietnamese that run like a well oiled clock.

Now I have triggered, chaotic, little hot messes.

Usually, I'm on board.

Last couple of days.   Ready to blow my stack to Jesus and then some.

Then a friend, Stephanie Cramer (Fellow foster mom, she will tell you I got her in it, and I'm happy to take that label) text me on her way to a volleyball tournament (I AM SO JEALOUS, I miss volleyball, WHHHAAAAA) to see how I was.

As I unloaded on her poor self (boy did she hit me at the wrong time), she just poured wisdom and love all over me.  She hooked me up with a lady that has fostered over 100 kids and knows EVERYTHING in the world to say to a road weary foster mom of 4 under 10, and basically anointed me via text message.

Then today in church.  Craig talked about worship.  I MEAN, DID HE EVER talk about worship.

Let me back up.  First of all, the devil DID NOT want me in church today.   He banged up my knee (well I did it yesterday, but I'm blamin the devil), then the kids locked the ONLY KEY TO THE TAHOE IN THE TAHOE, and my other key in the whole of the world was hanging on Lacey's fridge in Shawnee.

Did I mention all my kids have been arguing, turd ball messes??

As I prayed my way through it last night, on my knees, begging for God's guidance and grace to not throw in the EVER LOVING TOWEL, I fell right to sleep, and woke up this morning with a plan.

I took one of the kids with me to Shawnee, and we treated ourselves to Braums sausage biscuits, and perhaps a donut hole or two, and we talked about our lives.  I shared mine, they shared theirs, and basically had some pretty fantastic one on one time.  I then carefully explained the house rules to them, and had them input some rules they would like to see to make the house be smoother, and by jiminy, when I got home, Gina and Steven had the other tigers by the tail, and the house was clean, bathrooms cleaned, laundry started  (LAUNDRY FOR DDAAAAYYYYYSSSSS, people) and 3 of the 6 were ready to go to church.

And go to church we did.  Erin Crain bid us hello as we rushed into the service, and is crossing our fingers we "pick Edmond" to be our church home  (It's SO HARD, I have so many friends at both campuses, I am basically torn in two), and as the usher led us to seats, little did he know he sat me in my dear friend, Sandy Cannon's seat.   I watched Sandy sit in that very seat for years, worshiping so hard and loving her Lord and just being the hands and feet of Jesus.  We lost Sandy a few years back, but I think about her all the time, and how she always made me feel like a movie star when I saw her.  She just had that knack about her of making you feel so important....every single time I saw her.

So as I sat in her chair, I was already awash in emotion, and then Stephen Cole and team just flat brought it in my heart was so open to the Spirit, it was overwhelming.

Then the message.   Well you need to either a) get to a lifechurch and witness this amazing service in person, or b) watch it online.  (which will still be amazing, but I have to think seeing this in person is LIFECHANGING)

I was so fired up when I got in the car, I carried Craig's fervor to the kids.   I have found out from all of them this weekend, that all their moms are foster kids.  All. Of. Them.

Today I told them that they were not going to have the lives their moms had.  That as of today, we were not going to live our lives with victim mentality.  That we WILL be held accountable for what we do and do not do in this world, and that THEY ALONE can change their destiny.  (I was on fire, I'm telling you, Pastor Craig, stoked the flame).

I mean.....worship isn't suppose to just happen at church, WORSHIP is the way you live.  The way you breathe, the way you exist.

I don't want to be  the christian that just shows up at church and sings the songs and volunteers and heads home and calls it good for a week.   I want to be a living, breathing testament of Jesus Christ every. single. Day.

The peace that comes from this, is unending.  The devil still finds your cracks,  (boy does he) BUT the spirit of Jesus, that encompasses EVERY INCH of your soul, by being in CONSTANT WORSHIP, can crush him out.  By friends that call me, and check on me, and love me through some of the hardest, most wonderful, exasperating days of my life.  (Tyler and Lacey met ALL my kids, yesterday, and Tyler stopped me as I as leaving, and bade me to spend a LOT of time in prayer) LOL.  I live in prayer.  Every second.

God, just rain peace over every inch of my home.  I call on you to send your angels to rain protection and grace over the walls of this place.   Keep everyone in this house safe from harm, and allow us grace, when grace seems so far from what we are wanting to give.  Rain love and light on this home, Lord, and show me the way to guide these children.   Amen and Amen.

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