Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Monday, February 6, 2012

Spiritual Seatbelting 101

Yesterday at church, it was UH mAY ziNg.  Lifechurch loves to do fun stuff.  And when they do fun stuff, they do it big.  There is no other way.  So we had hotdogs  (Someone may have had three) and nachos and sodas and ARANDA, full blast for Super Bowl sunday at Lifechurch.

It was da bomb.

I had some of my dearest friends with me yesterday, my girls, and a new friend I made on Sunday from Craigslist.  Yep.  You read it right.  Some random person bought something from me on Craigslist and I was compelled to invite her to church.  Turned out she was just a great gal, and it was a blessing to meet her.  And she got her face rocked off at church.  I love it.

Keeping with the super bowl theme, Craig talked about commercials.  "Thirty second theology".   And just hammered us with wonderful scripture that spoke to my heart in every way.

But the thing that shattered me (other than the car commercial with the little girl driving and the dad handing her the keys, FOR THE LOVE) was the seatbelt commercial.

He had already talked about ... 'What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes"  James 4:13-14

Followed by  "remind me how brief my time on earth will be.  Remind me that my days are numbered-- how fleeting my life is."  Psalm 39:4

.."be careful how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity....."

SEE why I LOVE my church?  I love solid applications that I can immediately use in my life.  It happens EVERY single WEEK for me.  

But the thing that got me right in my heart, was this commercial.  I had never seen this... but it brought me to tears. 

Hang on to your hats....


Do you know someone that is driving right for destruction?   It should be your heart mission to help them with their "eternal" seatbelt.

"Oh, I don't know enough scripture."  "Oh, I wouldn't know what to say".  "Oh, I don't want them to think I'm weird."

Jesus didn't pick preachers and scholars to spread His love.  He chose normal, everyday people.  Like you and me.

Don't let someone you love drive into the wall.....

Be brave.  Be Bold.  Be someone's Eternal Seatbelt.   I know I want to be.

God is good, all the time.

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