Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hunger Games Mania

I believe that every single person and their dog has read this series. 

I have singlehandedly talked about 20 people into reading them.  The first question is usually "What are they about"???  Which leads to a moment's pause, because, clearly, if you start to tell someone what they are, they will shut you down.  Think about it... "Well there's this girl and this guy and they have to go into this arena...".. no wait....  "There's this cool girl and she has to fight..."  uhm...  No way to talk about it until they've read it, am I right?

So trust me, don't ask questions.  Just read them.

For three solid days (yes I am fast, ridiculous reader) I read the series.  One right after another, lapping it up, dreaming about sleeping in a tree, totally immersed in District 13's drama.  It was glorious.

Of course, like in every good book, there is a love triangle, and in this book, it does not disappoint.  I liked Peeta sooo much, but come on, GALE?  are you kidding me, what can't you love about Gale? Ah, teenage love.  on steroids.

I love the casting for the movie (YES, it's going to be a movie, coming out in March....COME ON MARCH) and I'm totally loving the way the people played out.  I pretty much envisioned all the people exactly how they casted it.  All but Rue...she surprised me.  I envisioned a small elfish blonde playing her, and she is total opposite of that.   And Lenny Kravitz as Cinna.....oh my cow, you are killing me.  How perfect.

I've got mixed reviews on the third book "Mockingjay" but seriously, how ELSE could you have ended it??  I re-read it (like the 5th time) and I like it more everytime I read it.  I think once the initial shock of all the loss of that book wears off, it grows on you.

If you haven't read them, you might be one of the only people on the planet left that hasn't.  All I can tell you, though, is get ready.  You might be prone to grab a bow and arrow and go sit in a tree.  My dogs thought I had lost my mind... 

Highly recommend this delightfully different series.  But I'm warning you, you can't put them down, and they have to be read in rapid succession, so just buy all three when you get started.  

This will make total sense to you once you read these.  I work out, therefore I am prepared.  


  1. I keep hearing how wonderful this series is. I wish I had just started reading before I asked what they are about. I just don't know how I could read about kids, arenas, starvation. It took me awhile to jump aboard the Twilight train, too. :)

    1. Jemma. Block out everything you have Heard and just do it. ,). Miss you on fb!
