I've made friends with World Race parents, people I've never met, but feel a deep bond and kinship. I know as a parental community we are praying daily for our children, and all of their children, and something like that connects you on a level that goes beyond spiritual.
I love LOVE LOVE what I am reading this month in Swaziland. Everyone is touched by the plight of the people there. This is a BEAUTIFUL country whose existence is most likely going to be ravaged and gone by the year 2050 by the AIDS epidemic that plagues.
I read blog after blog of racers whose hearts are BROKEN by what they are living this month. I like visual and I want to share some of their pictures with you, so you can see what I get to journey every day with these awesome kids...
Kat Davis and friends
Look at the little girls down the road staring at Chris. "An American"
Nick loving on an abandoned baby with CP (breaks my heart)
The road and the countryside in Swazi
Kip coaxed this baby out of his bed for some lovin'
One team had giraffes nearby...how cool is that???
Britni hugs on her new friend
Praying over a sick lady at Hope House
Come on little guy, want some Kip love?
This breaks my heart in all kinds of ways. What a precious baby
Hitchhiking to their ministry- 30+ minutes from where they are staying.
Ashley holding this precious abandoned baby with CP. Why can't we find her a home?
These are their hospital beds. I have no words.
The kids used the words WRECKED a bunch this month. How their emotions were Wrecked, spent, exhausted. How can this happen? How can God so "ignore" a country so full of beautiful people, and let this happen? I love Britni's blog this morning.... "He didn't ignore them....He has sent ME, and I will not ignore God's calling". She is going back to the states, get her nurse practictioner degree and head back over and MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Nothing is stopping any of us, but Us.
Instead of family vacations to Disney, why don't we take our kids on a mission trip and HELP others. SEEK GOD, and share God, and be a LIGHT? We don't need to spend $5,000 on vacations when we can go to these people and make a difference.
My life is forever changed because of my witness of this race. I hope in some small part, yours is too.
Blogs you should follow......
http://kipdeaton.theworldrace.org/?filename=thank-the-lord-for-the-hope-house Of course Kip's.
http://katdavis.theworldrace.org/ Kat Davis is an AMAZING visual writer..... I always cry when I read hers. Just beautiful
Britni Bersin is from Tulsa, and her writings are so joyful....http://britnibersin.theworldrace.org/
http://iamchrisbritton.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/god-change-my-instincts/#more-132 Chris Britton is on Kip's team and he got a wordpress to blog on, pictures were easier on there.... He is an excellent writer as well.... I love his blogs, because I know what Kip is up to when I read his stuff...she is with them....
With his precious wife, DaDa
At last but certainly not least is Tim E. He cracks me up. and makes me cry. I love to read his stuff because he is so full of light and heart..... It does my body good...
That is just the short list of all the blogs I read. Kat Law, Dusty Dills, Nick Hayden, Amanda Britton, Matt Bell, Jessica Fishbach.... all are amazing journeys.
Let your hearts be broken by what you read. I know mine is.
My heart is broken, too. I luv reading what Dada writes as she is challenged on What to DO NEXT... All the other team members write of How God is shaking them up, breaking them down, making them look deeper into themselves. The racers are challenging me, too. Reach out when God gives me opportunity. I'm praying for them...they are ministering to me.