Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kip and Mozambique

Nothing like your computer kaputing right after you have been on a blogging moratorium for school.  I was going to blog all weekend to catch up, and I will be digger dog danged, if my power source in my computer didn't go kaput.  It's all fixed now, and I have about 23 blogs I need to write, so I will get 2-3 out of the way this evening. My brain is so full, it's 'sploding.    SOOOOO....

Let's talk about Kip.   One of my MOST favorite subjects.

I finally got to talk to her on the phone yesterday.  It had been almost 3 weeks.  That's a long time for me to go without communication.  I had seen a few "Likes" on facebook and a couple of pics, but I hadn't heard her voice, so to say I was overjoyed to hear from her is a huge understatement.

She is in Swaziland this month.  On a map you can find it between Africa and Mozambique.  From what I hear from the racers, it's a beautiful place, but it is speculated that the country's population will all be dead of AIDS by 2050.  That's freaky.

We will talk more about Swaziland later, right now I want to tell you about her month in Mozambique.  To say it was life-altering for her, is an understatement as much as me being overjoyed.  Everything changed for her there.   And it is really funny, (not ha-ha funny, but ironically funny) because other than Kip's team, everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) was ready to get the heck out of Dodge in Mozambique.  Dirty, no water, witchcraft, relentless heat..  too much for our racers.

Except for that little team at Kedesh-  They had a magnificent month.  Kip loved it so much, I do believe that once she gets her internship done in architecture here in the states, she will be going back, probably for good. That's a powerful message.  That was God working in her showing her some magnificent things.  I just hope she packs her mama up and takes her with her.  I'm an excellent swamper.  (I can do anything).

On "Meet the Team" I talked about what everyone did at Kedesh, but I want to share Kip's video that she made for the boys on here.  What resonates from Team 2:20, is the fact that even though the conditions weren't ideal, the love and respect and communication and expectations were so amazing, that everyday was a blessing there.  Every Single Day.   I got that from every team member on 2:20.  Very different from the other teams in their ministries.  So while, the whole squad was rejoicing moving from Mozambique to Swaziland, Team 2:20 had several small meltdowns leaving their beloved Boys.  What a testimony of love.  What a pleasure for me to bear witness to what I saw from this team.

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