Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Saturday, December 24, 2011

More Christmas Thoughts

I think the only gift I can give you for Christmas is the gift of HOPE.  Since I'm working non-profit this year (and loving it) there isn't much cash in the old pocketbook.  I've been pretty flush my whole life.  Never wanted for anything and always ALWAYS had enough to do what we wanted.  Took it totally for granted.   Didn't save like I should have, didn't give like I should have, when it boils down to it....didn't believe like I should have.

It changed in an instant.

And instead of being freaked out, and worried out my mind on HOW IN THE WORLD am I EVER going to do this.....

I didn't.

I, for the first time of my life, gave myself and my circumstances over to the only one I could trust, and just let HIM carry me.

And, I may not have a gym membership, or a cleaning lady (sigh), or weekend runs to wherever my fancy takes me.... I have something I chased my whole life, and never had......


It is a wonderful thing.  And you know why I never had it?  Even though I thought I totally gave it to God?  I didn't.  I gave it and took it back, gave it and took it back, gave it and took it back....exhausting.   

It was only reading through the bible this year (I'm in Revelations, PRAISES!  Home stretch), and committing myself to a FULL TIME relationship do I have that remarkable peace.   And it's just there for the taking, friends,  you just have to surrender those problems over to Him, and place your life and trust in Him.....

Lacey put this video on Laynie's wall on Facebook yesterday and I am going to share it here, because it is so true... and so perfect......God is there.  I ranted on and on about it on my last blog, if you missed it.  GOD IS EVER PRESENT, and there to give you PEACE.

Whatever your circumstances, job, health scare, relationship issues, kid issues, family issues, financial, addiction....there is NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING, that you can't find Peace and Hope in.   Just, please, understand, Just GIVE it (the whole thing) to God.  And if you are in a crisis situation, get help.  Tell someone, and get help.

God was There, God IS HERE, and God will forever BE, all you have to do is reach out and take his Hand.

Merry Merry Christmas, loved ones.

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