I went to sell stuff and eat a free meal. I didn't dream I was going to be sitting at my table, crying over a miracle.
Miracles are everywhere in our family. With Lacey working for Children's Miracle Network, me working for my non-profit, and Bubba working for Lifeshare (organ donation) we're in the business of witnessing and experiencing miracles.
Laynie taught us well, what a miracle looks like.
I've been to a TON of ladies conferences, and listened to a TON of speakers, been touched in the heart, been not moved at all, even been a tad bit bored, if I tell you the truth, but yesterday.... WOW. My heart was touched.
Here is a beautiful 15 year old girl. You all probably have them running in and out of your homes (as I do), and pretty much take for granted that their lives are all planned out. I look at this little girl and I see beautiful blue eyes, and a sweet smile. Take totally for granted that she is a miracle. She is healthy, normal, beautiful, vibrant, outgoing, funny, a regular 15 year old. Her name is Jessie Boone.
She goes with her church on a ski trip. Normal, regular stuff. This kid has gone 3 times. She is an old pro at this. Her parents kiss her bye, and off she goes.... like hundreds and hundreds of kids before her.
But this time, something terrible happens. Something tragic, and horrible. Jessie gets in an ice patch, loses control and hits a tree. Everything about her life to that second stops.
Her mom and dad fly straight out of Oklahoma to Colorado and remain there 40 days, while their only daughter, their precious baby, lies near death. Jessie's mom, Lisa, who shared her story with us, recounted the prayers said over her daughter. How, when it got too much to bear in Jessie's room, she would run to the chapel, where she would lie facedown in the floor of the church and wail and groan to God, begging, pleading to either take her and free her from her pain, or heal her. I felt the tears start to form in my eyes during her passionate re-telling of the event. Oh, how I know that cry.
Their normal 15 year old daughter left on a church ski trip, and 40 days later, they brought home a newborn baby, unable to move, talk, respond, BUT that family NEVER gave up praying and hoping for their miracle.
I'm going to share this video I found on YouTube. It so eloquently tells her story, and I think you'll understand how incredible this young woman's journey is.
DON'T YOU NEED A KLEENEX??? Oh my america. So glad I had some in my pocket.
Now, if you saw this girl today, and didn't know her story, most would think she was born with a disability. You'd be a little tongue-tied, because you'd view her as "different". You might avert your eyes when walking past her in the mall, because she walks a little funny. You can't really understand what she is saying when she talks, because she is re-learning to speak.
But if you avoid looking at her, or even ignore her, because she's just not "normal". ..... folks, you missed a walking, breathing miracle. Her life is a miracle. Her journey is a miracle. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes because I am so passionate about this.
Just because some people look or act different than us, doesn't mean their lives aren't miracles. Open your hearts and minds to the possibility.
God's plan for each of us is perfect. This family will be the first to tell you this. Their non-stop praise of His holy name is astounding. Instead of drowning in despair over the loss of their vibrant daughter, they are lifting their hands in thanksgiving for the new gift He gave them. There is beauty in all things. God is bigger than ALL the things on this earth.... please just open your hearts to that possibility.
One of the teams on Kip's world race got the priviledge of working with an orphanage in China that specializes in children with disabilities. I got choked up watching their video, and someday, I don't know how or HOW, but I am going to go to that orphanage and volunteer my time. I love the words to this song. Because I can't make videos (don't judge, I do write), please click the song and get it to play and then scroll through the pics I have attached of the team in China with their babies. Tell me that team didn't change spending time with those 'Miracles". It's not JUST the prayer that changes things, It's the Change inside the person MAKING that prayer. I know this full well.
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Thank you Z squad...for loving those children. |
ALL the Children of the World.
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