Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fear Not- He is Near

I missed a week of work this past week, going to training in Abilene.  Though the training was very cool, and I learned a lot, it took me out of the game for a week, and it's tough getting rolling again.

I know I will be ok, but there is that anxiety level that creeps up and almost takes your breath away.

And why is it, it always happens in the middle of the night, when I am craving sleep the most.  I can wake up at 2 am, and lie there (Lay there, oh Mrs. Dinius is not proud of me right now), and stew and stew over every thing in the world that is wrong.

So reaching for my bible tonight, and my daily devotion, it was all about letting go of fear and knowing God is right there to catch you.

Bad news is everywhere.  It can start to pervade your soul if you allow it in.  The lovelies get so jacked up watching news that I have to totally turn it off in this house.  I'm wondering if that isn't the better way.

Sure, if Rick Mitchell were still here... I'd want to have bad weather everyday, simply to spend the evening with him.  (I had to throw that in)

But, bottom line, is....God never fails me. And He is Near.

I heard this song on the way back from Abilene this week and wow, did it speak to me.  After the senselessness of Boston, and the explosion in was very appropriate.

He is Near.   Just reach out to Him.


  1. Nice. I had to turn off the news, too. I get overwhelmed and I KNOW how to deal with it. It's tough to try to explain it to kids. It is nice to be reminded...God is near...always. Love you
