Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Must See TV- Thursdays

Thursday mornings around our house are greeted with a "IT's THURSDAY" scream from the teenager's room, because of one thing.....

Thursdays of the past year would be pizza, popcorn, all my daughters and the vampire diaries.  I didn't like this show when it started.  It was gross, vampire-y, and well, bloody.  Kip and Hal just love it.  Screaming, shhhh'ing, more screaming, and dark rooms were my Thursday evenings.   Well, with Kip being gone this year, and Lacey deciding she is "Over" vampires, it's just down to me and Hal.  I have to be pretty loud and creepy to live up to our last year Thursday nights.  We have found a gentler way to watch Vampire Diaries.  Lights on, and full volume.  All still good.

 I like it for one very big reason..

Forget good boy Stefan... let crybaby Elena have him.... Damon....if I were 20, uh, 30 years younger....meow.   Kip feels the same way, and really.... I wouldn't mind a vampire in the family at all.  Oh my goodness, I am a dork.... I can't believe anyone reads my stuff.

So moving on..... Secret Circle is new (after Vampire Diaries) and I am still on the fence for this one.  I love love love the little girl that is the star (she was in life unexpected, another failed CW show that I enjoyed) but they are all witches.   It's a bit over the top for me  (Like Vampire diaries isn't???) and I don't have a definite like or dislike yet.   It has possibilities.... let's just go with that. 

I have to tell you, the series premiere just wore me out.  Another sink hole, another leg to ampute while the ground is shaky... holy moly.  It's time for this show to live happily ever after and every play nice and wrap it up.  Let's let Gray and McDreamy have their marriage and their baby (instead of McDreamy being McDreary and so stuffed shirt this season), Christina have the perfect surgery, for the love of pete let Little Gray and Sloan get together for once and all.  Cutey patootie Avery can become chief to get over the loss of little grey and every one will be happily ever after.  That show has drained me of every emotion I ever thought possible.  When Izzy had cancer, and George died and all the drama with the shooter, because, I just became a fan about Season 5.  For the love.  Enough's enough.  Let's live in Anatomy happily ever after.  (I'm still recording it, though...such a dweeb)

I just started watching this little gem last year.  It's another show that catches me by surprise and makes me laugh.  I like that.  Rob Lowe is another draw, though he is such an uptight geek in this show it's almost painful.  Another sitcom that falls into my "must see's"   Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) leads this team and holy moly, chaos is close behind.  Funny Funny stuff.  There are some very risque things on this show, so I don't recommend it for everyone, but it just hits my funny bone right where I like it.   Weird and funny.

My guilty pleasure is Private Practice.  That's hard to admit, because it borders on porn.  I guess the first step to recovery is admitting guilt.  Hi, I'm Laura, and I'm addicted to the Private Practice. 
I need to take my mom to the meetings with me, because she is equally addicted.  What can I say?

 Then my dvr is whirling on the other me some Patrick Jayne....
Hallie insisted I watch this show.  It seemed too weird for me, and I was a Private Practice girl, so I dvr'd it for her and then one weekend, didn't have anything to do, and watched several weeks and got hooked.  It's weird, his uncanny knack to "nose" out the villain, and his relationship with "Lizbet?" (with the names) always keeps me coming back for more.  Simon Baker isn't too undelicious either, so it's just treats all around. 

It's "Big Brother" feel, and political overtones turns me off, but Jim Cameraholdinghottie (again with the names), has always been a fav of mine, all the way back when he played Jesus and carried the cross.  The premise of this show is just too weird to even try to explain, but in a nutshell, a really rich guy helped make this machine that shows the government terrorist people of interest, and in a weird back door, it also shows people that are in danger, or might be ready to do something to someone (I told you it wouldn't be easy to explain) and Jim is an ex CIA that helps richie rich find these targeted people.  It's weird, and interesting and political, so I don't know how long it will last, but for now, I'm intrigued and watching with "INTEREST".  (pun intended)

Thursdays are for vampires and doctors that should retire...... get those dvr's going.....

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