Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Monday, October 24, 2011

Change Is in the Air

All I know for certain, are that few things are ever certain.

I'm usually flexible as a slinky.  Someone wants to go somewhere, I'm there.  Someone needs something, I'm all over it.  Change..... no problem.

But, lately... change is all around me. 

Sometimes change can happen so slowly, you hardly see it. 

Then change can happen in a blink, and it leaves you stunned, and reeling.

Change can leave you refreshed, and feeling like you have a new beginning...

or it can feel like the breath has left your body, and that no way, no how, is life ever going to be the same.

I talk a lot about staying to the course, and staying in the boat, and walking by faith.  I think I get all those statements, because of the amount of CHANGE that happens all around me, all the time.

Life is chaos, life is messy, life is wrought with change and turmoil.  It's just how it is.

The best way to understand and embrace that chaos is to have a firm foundation in who you are, and WHOSE you are....

God never said life was going to be easy, but He did say He would never leave your side. 

So no matter how much change, how much chaos.... He is there. 

And that makes all the difference.



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