Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

There she Blows

Warning.  If you don't like to talk about snot, you won't like this post.  Just letting you know.

I'm kind that way. 

I have been sick.  I mean SICK.  It started January 1st and it has followed me all the way to January 28ish. 

Coughing, so much drainage it was ridiculous, wheezing, uncontrollable pee on yourself coughing (How Am I Still Single?), just awful.   Couldn't work, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat....well, that's a fib, I've ate just fine. 

So anyhoo....

My brother has been at me to try this sinus rinse and clean your nose.  Really????

Waterboard myself??  Yeah, like that's going to happen.

Face it people, I still hold my nose going in the pool, because as far as I'm concerned, that route through the nasal passages is ONE WAY.

But, everyone at work was so tired of me hacking and blowing, Shane Vice finally talked to me yesterday and with his wife, Deedra, who is every bit of a wimp as I am, backed him, I finally decided to give it a try.  Because seriously, I was sick of looking like this,every second of every day
Hallie describes it as "Your brain melting out of your nose".  That was about as close to perfection in a description as anything I have ever heard. 

So, I pulled my hair out of my face, I warmed the distilled water to the perfect temperature, I added the packet of saline to the plastic bottle, I rolled my sleeves up, got the toilet ready for the throw Up I was sure to happen, and held the bottle to my nose, bent slightly over (Shane's direction), practiced breathing out my mouth.... and squeezed. 

Nothing but goodness.  My sick, clogged sinuses, filled up with that warm water, and CHRISTMAS MIRACLE.... I could breathe.  It was God in a bottle. 

Don't be wimps.  (Like me).  If you are sick and feel like a wet rag that can't breathe, just DO IT.

You will be utterly amazed at how much better you will feel (and sleep).  I am the #1 and #2 biggest wimp in the world (Because I am such a big one I take two spots), and I did it.

 Just say no to snot.  

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