Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Full Disclosure

I always process better if I do it in blog form, so I am going for it. 

I'm nervous tonight. 

I have had numb tingly arms for a while now.  At first, it was determined I was low B12 and usually a shot of B12 would fix me right up.  It started a year ago, right before we went to Haiti.

But about a month ago, my arms and hands started going numb every day.  Plus the top of my feet hurt so bad that it has become pretty un-fun to walk. 

I chalked it up to old age.

Still went to the doc, and she scratched her head and sent me to the neurologist. 

He broke a tongue depressor in two, and used the sharp edge to poke me in the cheek.  I wasn't really impressed with him, because that hurt like crazy and then he started that pokey crap down my arm, and all the sudden I only felt pressure instead of pain....then nothing.  No feeling in my fingers.  He told me to quit sitting with any pressure on my elbows, and to sleep with my arms straight, instead of wadded up under my head. 

He also sent me over for blood tests and I believe that no news is good news, and after two weeks, when I hadn't heard anything, I'm thinking, well, cool,  I'm just getting old...especially after seeing my reg doc on Wednesday, she didn't say anything and she asked about some test he is going to run on me when he gets back from vacay (some shocky thing that tests my nerve endings  or such, three letters I can't remember).

Then Friday I got a call, telling me to give the office a call and I missed them.  I can't get the last lab result to open (that they email you) because I can't remember my password.(story of my life)  Lacey is convinced that if it were a big deal, they would have called back, so I'm going with that. 

But I know Something is Up.  I feel like nothing I've ever felt before.  I can't walk without limping and my arms are getting more numb by the day. 

But, Here's the deal.  God knows what's up. And He has my plan. And I am not going to fear the unknown.

So, if you will spend some time in prayer for me, I know I would appreciate them. 

Right now, I'm going to focus on working as hard as I can this week to make enough money to get to California and see my Kip.  I'm going to focus on Hallie and make sure that she knows how incredible she is.  I'm going to revel in Lacey's new love, and feel nothing but pleasure that she is so happy and thrilled that God got it SO right in her life.  I'm going to enjoy my Vietnamese trio that  tells me, "Lolly, I happy". 

Because really, that's all that matters.  No matter what is up, I happy.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you. I'm going with old age. Especially since we're the same age and some of those symptoms sound remarkably similar to some that I have periodically. Numbness and hurting feet. Got some of both. You are probably going to have to get rid of the heels. Just saying. When I ditched mine and got some shoes with more support, the foot pain ceased. Love you old girl.
