This has been a crazy few weeks.
I've been thinking that BB must have hearing loss, because he works mainly from visual cues most of the time. He doesn't really mind you when you talk to him, because I've been thinking he can't really hear me. Plus, he has only been speaking English since November, so he's doing pretty good considering.
Got his hearing tested today, and he didn't pass. He didn't fail either, but, he like his brother and sister, are at odds with anyone trying to help them, because they can't decide if it's a language barrier, a learning disability, or if it really is, indeed a hearing loss.
Hallie couldn't talk until she was almost two. Her eardrums were so impacted and fluid filled that once that kid finally got tubes and heard the world around her, she almost immediately started talking in full sentences. I keep expecting that to happen with BB. It's a whole 'nother world with that kid. The Audiologist today said that she would love for someone to speak to him in Vietnamese and assess if he is speech delayed in that language too.
Speaking of interesting, Carl Deaton had a bunch of buzz on my facebook page today, because I requested some special prayer about his heart. Then I had 1.2 million people ask what is happening, so in the interest of totally blowing his privacy, I'm going to give a quick update so everyone can be in the loop and know how to specifically pray for him.
His heart has been mis-firing (for lack of better terms) for a while now. There is no blockage or problems there, it's just an electrical thing getting the signal to his brain to keep it beating normally.
A few weeks ago, he had an episode he couldn't fix and found himself being medi-flighted to OKC from his lake house. Scary to say the very least.
One week and a 10 hour "Procedure" later, he is "fixed" and ready to go.
Didn't work so great. Found his heart not beating correctly again this past weekend, and had to go in and "Shock" it back to regular. None of this very good.
For those of you that know him, you know this ain't his style. He never is sick, he doesn't like pills, he is a mover and a shaker, and none of this works for him.
So serious prayers on miraculous healing are definitely needed. He's had the procedure to fix the irregular beat, so it's just a matter of it "minding". This guy carries WAY too many hearts in his hands to have anything happen to his heart, so that's the big and little on Carl Deaton. He needs some good prayers from my prayer warriors and hopefully, the healing they expected from that massive "procedure" will take hold. Prayers for Evelyn as she cares for him, and his mom and dad, as they tirelessly are there for him as well. There are no better people on this earth than this family, and prayers are very welcome.
On a happier note, KIP FOUND A JOB! She was pretty despondent in Oklahoma over the fact that even with a 5 year degree from OU in architecture, there were no jobs. So, that crazy girl moved to California, took her resumes to the firms there, and I'll be double dogged danged if she didn't land a job at the biggest firm! Duh. Who's surprised?? Not me.
She called me when she heard and I swear we squealed on the phone with each other for 5 minutes. We'd catch our breath and just squeal again. I already didn't have any doubts that she is where she is supposed to be, but any shadow of a doubt was erased, with this most excellent news. My little architect is going to get to actually use that 5 year degree. Ain't that something??
Sorry to use Ain't.
I haven't in a while, and I needed to see if you were paying attention to my bad grammar.
Lovely goes to the zoo with her school tomorrow, and she is so jacked up on adrenaline I'm not sure she'll even sleep tonight. It doesn't matter that she JUST WENT last Saturday with our friend Taylor, she says, "It different, going with my homies."
Oh, Ok.
I just hope the zoo is ready. Again.
Thankful for my praying friends. God continues to bless the lovelies, my girls, and now I'm ready for him to rain some blessings on Carl.
Time to let them flow.
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