Steven is just about to start winter basketball with the city of Norman, so that is going to be a fun whirlwind of nutness.
He is so athletic, and I am so not. Everything I have learned about sports, has been with the crash course with Hallie.
She wants me to put him in Football, Baseball, Soccer, Tennis, Track, Cross Country, Basketball. You name it, she wants him in it. And so does he.
Here's the deal, pickle. I'm not a seasoned "boy" mom. It's taken me 4 years of club volleyball to finally understand what the heck is even going on. I can ALMOST explain a game to someone to now. (not really). SO even THINKING about learning a new sport makes me break out in hives and hyperventilate into a bag.
There isn't school sports in 6th grade, so next year, I will plug him in to school sports and we will see where he shines. And maybe throw some tennis lessons at him next spring/summer. All I know is he is fast as lightning and has incredible hand/eye coordination and can throw a football like a rocket. But he's about 4 foot tall. and weighs maybe 80 pounds. That slows this mom down.
Mr. Deaton Holt has his FIRST TOOTH! I have never been so glad to hear (I have yet to see it) of something in my life! He has struggled for over a month with that mean ole tooth pain, and one has finally broken through the surface!! YEAH! now he can bite me along with pinching and pulling my hair. JOY IS MINE!
I love love love this pic of my two favs, because you can see his little hand creeping down to find mama's necklace and I'm sure just as this pic snapped he yanked that sucker and either gave her whiplash, or stuck it in his mouth to chew. He is HILARIOUS.
He laughs like a cross between a jock (Huh, Huh, Huh, in his low boy voice) , and Forrest Gump "I'm Ruhhnniiing". They came out to watch Hallie play volleyball this past weekend at Bricktown, and we walked to Spaghetti Warehouse in the mildly chilly weather, and he was in his stroller bundled all but his head, and I'm not kidding, he laughed the whole way. He was PUMPED to be outside, IN THE COLD, with all his buddies. It was sooooo funny.
I also found out yesterday that I, after two years of trying .... and A L M O S T making it, that my third year!! I actually broke into the Million Dollar Club in sales at work for 2015. WOOOOHOOOOO. That is a huge honor and I am so thrilled I FINALLY made it! In spite of the many many MANY obligations I have, I still pulled it off. Yes. Sir. Thank. You. Lord. So in April, Hallie and I will heading to Cancun for my award trip. (Lacey & I on the cruise two years ago, Kip and I in Aruba last year, and Hal & I heading to Cancun this spring..... YES) Tyler and Brandon want in the rotation. :)
I was probably a little more happier than I should have been with school starting back. Breaks are hard for this chick. Everybody's all up in your business, bored, hungry, sick, whiny, fighting, laughing, sneezing, farting. You know. Just a typical day. 16 freaking days in a row. With Christmas Day thrown in there for good measure.

Speaking of Christmas, Mike and Shannon came up from Texas and spent the day with us, bringing Tilly the Silly Bulldog along for giggles. It was SO MUCH FUN. We ate so much food, I'm still a bit sickish. That Bulldog LOVED Deaton. And we ALL loved us some Tilly. Even Lacey, that non-dog lovin' weirdo of a girl, grudgingly liked her. THAT"S HUGE!
You probably heard on the weather about the tornado hitting Rowlett, Texas. Well, that just happened to be Mike and Shannon's neighborhood and they were driving in RIGHT AS IT HIT. The neighbors on the street next to theirs lost everything, and a few people even died. God had his hand completely surrounding them !! They suffered some roof damage and lost their fence, but the house is still standing, and everything is in one piece. Praise be to the Lord.
We are a Jeep family again. Tyler has been searching the world net for a bit now trying to find a car, since Lacey's got totaled a while back. He found him a fun Jeep Grand Cherokee today almost as old as Hallie. In pristine condition. Oh so very cool. Happy for the tooth and the jeep that found their way to the Holt house this week.
Anyhoo, just a quick update. I'm trying to get back in the groove. Not only is it therapeutic as america for me, it's a wonderful heirloom for the family. Lacey will read back on blogs and say "Man I'm glad you wrote all that."
Man, I'm glad I did too, and I want to do a better job going forward.
You, and your whole family, are amazing. Congratulations to you on making the President's Club! I was hoping for somebody interesting to talk to at the special dinner in Cancun. Of course, I am talking about Hallie! See you there!