When Hallie was a grade schooler, it seemed so weird to say Sr of 2017. We laughed and laughed at that. Now she will be a Senior of 2021 from WP. Doesn't seem so weird now.
BUT MAN, 2019 was a BUSY, CRAZY year.
In January, Gina became OCS basketball homecoming queen. Pretty impressive from that crazy little Asian that screamed at me for 36 hours just 6 years prior.
Zack played basketball for a Guthrie Y team and they were impossibly good. That coach was just the best and they went all the way to state and fell to a team one year older than them. That was one fantastic little team though.
Jackson was 3 months old and Deaton almost 4, got to sneak out to California and see Dawson
Our friends the Evans hooked Zach and I up with Thunder tickets and we got to go on the floor and get a close up look at CP3. It was an exciting time for my little Thunder fan, we really enjoyed the whole experience.
February brought 3 new kids in my house, bringing the total at the 81-81 to a whopping 8. The inmates were definitely running the asylum during this time, as one mom x 8 kids = utter chaos.
Meanwhile, at West Point, Hallie was thrilled to see high school volleyball friend, Holly Priest at her Yearling Winter Weekend (formal dance and fun)
Steven started soccer (with a really short haircut, whoa)
And I got adorable pics of my grandsons pretty much on the daily......
March was a very exciting time. Hallie and I went to ITALY with the Army volleyball team and WOW, what a trip of a lifetime.
Just a gorgeous place to visit, but boy was I happy to get home. Unfortunately, Kip came to Oklahoma with Dawson while I was in Italy, so they had a cousin reunion without me!
April rolled around and my mama had a birthday (I will never divulge which one) and then sweet DAWSON turned ONE YEAR OLD!
Cutest farmer EVER. Gina hit up prom in Norman, with her long time friend, Macy Boren..
Lacey was recognized with several awards this year for her work with her non-profit, Legacy Parenting Center.
And Kip and Brandon celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary in 2019.
May brought bigger celebrations as Gina graduated high school (!!!!), won a Rotary scholarship and the Presidential Leadership Scholarship, giving her a full ride to Rose State for two years! (WOW)
Deaton turned FOUR YEARS OLD... and finished his early days daycare with Immanuel Preschool as he heads to Bethel for PRE-K!
Hallie came home for a few days before summer training, and we always love to see Auntie Hal....
June was fishing and Colorado vacation, (DD: "THERE's a CAMEL in this CABINET" ..translation (a moose at our cabin) Derek Hough with Holly Higley, Paul McCartney with Greg Higley, crawling for Jackson, and summer fun getting started!
July was full of friends, fireworks, and swimming training for the big boys and final meet. Steven did amazing. Hallie led a squad of plebes at summer training and we heard from her in spurts. July ended out with me fulfilling a lifelong dream of seeing the band "Queen". Greg had gotten us tickets and ended up with STREP THROAT (how rude, sickness fairy), so I grabbed my friend Nancy Roy and we headed to Dallas to sing, clap and yes I cried once or twice, because I just couldn't get over the fact that I was actually seeing and witnessing Queen live. Brilliant.
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facetiming and hallie says "Oh, here's my baby" LOL |
The best part of July was the last weekend, because not only was it my 40th class reunion (HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE), Hallie came home from training and Kip wasn't far behind her coming home....
August was the month of big changes. After some stuff went down, that I was entirely NOT ok with, I left Peppers Ranch. I am the queen of connections, so the three children that were living with me, moved to another family at the ranch and lived with the beautiful Ruhman family. Cheyenne had already moved to New York to live with her grandparents. I believe that God used me as the stepping stone to get them where they really belonged. I literally moved in about a 3 day period. It was intense and I'm still unsure where half my crap is. But I got moved in just about the time Kip and Brandon landed and we had a few fun days in Shawnee before they had to go back to California!
August also brought Gina moving to Rose State to start her college stint, Steven and Zachary going to Dale Schools, Deaton starting Pre-K and Hallie back to West Point for her Junior (cow) year.
September brought Hallie's 21st birthday (and today I found the blog post I had written AND NEVER PUBLISHED BECAUSE I AM THAT PERSON NOW) and Brandon's birthday. Steven scored his permit to drive and the baby's are cute. Gentry Gibson was born (one of my neighbors at the ranch that I feel I participated in all but the actual creation, and I love this little squish with all my heart)
October was the month of birthdays and big news -- Zachary turned double digits (10), also was awarded Student of the month in his class (this is a HUGE deal for my impulse/ADHD no control kid) and Jackson turned ONE! Cheyenne (who lived with me for all of my time at the ranch) was adopted by her grandparents in October and has found her forever home! Lacey & Tyler celebrated their 6th wedding anniversary and Mom's brother and wife came from California (aunt Nancy and Uncle Lavonne) and we all got together in Davis and had a glorious afternoon of visiting. And rounding out the month, Dawson won Halloween. (with Jackson and Deaton coming in a close 2nd)
November flew by- Hallie had a tumor taken off the bottom of her foot (hoping this will stop the chronic pain she experiences) Lacey planned and executed (with the help of her amazing committee) her 3rd annual Trivia and Tapas (her big fundraiser for the year). I snuck out to see my California kids and love on the quickly growing up Dawson, and the Ruhmans decided to adopt my kids they had so lovingly taken in, when I quickly left the ranch. BANNER DAY when they shared that with me! Tyler got a new title of Associate Campus Pastor to go with his Host Team Pastor and we were so proud for him!
For the first time since she started at West Point, Hallie snuck home for Thanksgiving and literally surprised the snot out of me! Totally not expecting her, but how sweet it was!
December brought Dawson a new cousin in the form of one Logan Robert Hall. He is adorable and I bet he's giving Kip superb baby fever. Hallie celebrated her 3rd Christmas cigar tradition and opted for a candy cane cigar this year. Deaton had a "J" day at show and tell and begged his mama to take his little brother "Jackson". Turns out he was a huge hit with Pre-Ker's. Zachary landed the part of the drummer boy in the christmas program, and started his 5th year of basketball. Kid is a baller, for sure. We saw Santa at Lacey's super fun Legacy event, giving all her families the opportunity to come and take a picture with Santa for free. The kids met with their bio parents, and it's so great to feel the healing that has taken place over the past few years. Dad even came this year, and it was a very chill and happy reunion. Steven had his first date, taking a classmate to the winter formal, then ending up taking pics and dancing with all the ladies (shaking my head at this, lord help me )
Kip and Brandon's sweet Christmas pictures were so great.... still my heart aches a little to see how much Brielle has aged this past year. She is gray as her grandma, but I know she is living her best life for sure. Deaton accompanied me to the airport to get Hallie for Christmas break, and he almost lost his mind when Santa came strolling through. LOLLY THERE IS SANTA!!! I told him, GO TAKE A PICTURE and his sweet little face, though. Hallie couldn't believe how much Steven has grown (he's almost a solid 5-8, taller than Lacey now) and she proceeded to wrestle him to the ground to assert her dominance almost the minute she walked in the door (with shoes on, I'm happy to report) We enjoyed the Christmas service at church, and I made Lacey the sweetest little bears out of Laynie's little clothes for her and the boys for CHristmas. It was a precious moment for all of us for sure. Dawson had a blast sledding in California with his grandparents and parents and Gina turned 19 and Steven 16, and we celebrated their days by going to the movies with two of our favorite families for a grand total of 24 people. We rounded out with a friendly game of poker and an overnight visit and people..... we've had a year.
Remember none of this wouldn't be possible without God sending his son, to die on that brutal cross to take our burden of sins. How my life is different because of this very thing. The course of my kids lives, and I pray my grandkids lives. There is no greater joy than to know your kids know and love Jesus.
Here's to a wonderful 2020 full of love, family, memories, happiness and prosperity!! God Bless!
Love you sister!