Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm a "Favor"-ite

Steven Furtick preached today.  That made me all kinds of happy in ways I can't explain.  When he was at Lifechurch last time, he preached his "Sun Stand Still" message, and it rocked me.

Today was absolutely the same thing.  

He said that Lifechurch people are blessed beyond measure.  We have Craig Groeschel leading us, Amy Groeschel praying for him (how can we fail with that?) and all the workings to make us blessed.  Instead of being Hittites, or Jesuites or all the different "ite people in the bible, we are "Favor"-ites.   

I liked it.  

When people talk to me and tell me I am different, I never know how to respond.  I always say "Laynie changed me.  I am blessed beyond measure."

My friend at work told me on Friday that I was one of the most "Go with the flow" people she had ever met.  Nothing much rocks me, and I just don't judge anything.  

Boy, have I changed.  I smiled inside because that was so not who I used to be.  Uptight, worried, frantic, controlling, (still battle with that), nervous, ridiculous mess.  

Then I learned through a tiny baby, that life is not a guarantee.  That things can change in a blink of an eye.  That everything we hold in VALUE, is NOTHING.  

We think if we are blessed, we have a nice house.  We drive a nice car.  We have money in the bank.  We have healthy children.  We have a great job.  We are blessed.  And that is true.  

But Favor is so much more.  

Favor brings you peace that money and shoes and men and addictions just can't buy.  My friend will say, "I'm just empty inside.  I can't be happy.  I'm just not sure of what I'm supposed to do.  I'm just so ....empty."  
I know that feeling.  I was that feeling for YEARS.  And then I realized the only way to find peace, ever, was through seeking Him.  And following Him.  And understanding that there ARE NO set in stone answers, just complete acceptance of what is. And FAITH, and HOPE.  And in just being, and giving myself FULLY and COMPLETELY over to God, and saying "I am YOURS, fill me".... he did just that.  I am in His favor. .  and it is a peaceful, content-filled life that I cannot even begin to hope you can understand.   Unless you are walking in it too.  

The Favor of God is the guarantee of HIS presence and provision of HIS power to ACCOMPLISH HIS purpose in MY life.  That's a lot of "His" in one "My".   As long as He is ALL I need, I am in Favor.  

If you're happy and you know it, tell your face.   Show your joy, share your joy, give it back, so you can have it all.  

God is Good, all the time.  

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration to all your friends. Thank you.
    Love the video/song too!
