Several things I want to chronicle, more for the family archives of the blog than for actual reading.
My family being together, all of us, in one big pile of people, happens less and less now. I managed to get all my kids here the first week of August, and it was just maybe the happiest I have felt in a long long time.
I had bought Lacey, Hallie and I, the musical, Hamilton tickets for Wed night. I didn't realize Kip would be here, so I jumped right back on the site and hurried and got a seat super close to the three I had bought, clicked "Buy" and then realized it was the ENTIRE NIGHT BEFORE. So not only could I go sit by myself, it would be on a night NO ONE else would go with me. So Yay for quick fingers on the website and not reading all the fine print. So one more ticket later, on the right night, even farther away from the big three, we got 'er done.
I was very discombobulated at Hamilton. For one thing, Thomas Jefferson was black. Which threw me for a loop because I don't remember him being black on the money I carry. And the whole play was RAP. And WORDS. Holy Lord on High in the Heavens, ALL. The. Words.
But once I relaxed and decided that it's ok to rap in Civic Center music hall, in a play with a black Thomas Jefferson, I became more and more enchanted. The choreography was just magical, the moving stage, and the effortless way the entire cast just made it work. Seriously just a work of genius. Now, my mama would have HATED it with a capital Hate, and it really is NOT for everyone, but for me and my girls? Winner winner chicken dinner.
Before we went to Hamilton, we met the wonderful Trish Scott of Sweetberry Photography and had family pictures made, because, hey, it's what I make us do. Every. Time. Because everyone is changing fast. Just for fun let's look back over the years.
I had just gotten the 3rd grade Steven and the 6th grade Gina. I had had them about 4 weeks at this picture. They were 8 and 11. Didn't know what to do with G's hair, and didn't realize Steven needed glasses. Remember, "Oh, it ok, lolly, I only need them to see".
It's crazy what one small year will do to a family. We got another tiny vietnamese boy, and added one son in law (Tyler) and was in the process in this picture, of adding a second one, Brandon.
This year we officially added Brandon in the family in April, and that fall, while Deaton was still cooking inside his mama, we took the last pictures without any grandbabies. Zachary held the "youngest" in the family spot, and we were all excitedly awaiting the new grandbaby, Deaton.
Thrilled to have baby Deaton in hand, and thought it would be fun to take pictures on a rock. They did turn out pretty special though.
Took some fun pictures downtown Shawnee at the Rock Island Depot. Enjoying that little Deaton, who was just over a year old.
Hallie graduated high school, our last fun family vacay in Destin before she headed off to West Point. In the picture, but not visible is the boot she acquired after falling down the stairs leading to the beach and breaking her big toe, 4 weeks before she was to show up for beast. We're still smiling, though. That really was a fun time, all except that emergency room visit.
2018 found Dawson born, my first grandson from Kip and Brandon, and Deaton a solid 3 years old. The kids and I had moved to the ranch, and I had acquired a few extra kids for the pictures. Didn't think to take pics of the core group, so this is our memory of 2018.
and These.....
So, of course, when everyone was home this summer......
You better believed I took full advantage. Now we've added Jackson (10 months) and Dawson is 15 months old and full of dimples and personality.
In Dawson's defense, he does really like me. It was a million degrees and he was OVER taking pictures. Jackson is looking at him like, "Dude, pull yourself together man". I adore my tiny men.
Cracker Jack is 10 months old. He is long and skinny and so chill. He takes his time doing anything because I like to think he is pondering the consequences. He's very thoughtful and takes a minute to decide his next course of action (unlike his brother, who speeds through the day, knocking down everything in his path. total boy) His eyelashes are like spiderwebs they are so long and gorgeous. His eyes are turning brown, like mama's, and he prefers her over every one else. He will tolerate me, and he does love his daddy, and brother makes him laugh the hardest, but when it all comes down to it, right in his mama's arms is where he is his happiest.

This little dimpled darling, is the most relaxed and calm child. He imitates his mom and dad, and will eat everything not nailed down. I was so amazed at the food he would eat. EVERYTHING, except that tiny tomato that got put on his plate by accident and, Dawson, thinking it was a watermelon, grabbed it up, gobbled it in and almost immediately spit it across the table, like "Who dare ruin my meal with this gross tomato? WHO? " He is happy 97% of the time and is on a schedule that I stand in awe of, and is really the sweetest, little sunshine love.
#1 grandson, Deaton is now in Pre-K. I just can't even at this time. I mean, WHAT!?
I'm serious as a heart attack that I will most likely need therapy when he starts losing his baby teeth and acquiring the giant adult teeth. I need him to stay small for a while longer. He is a corker of the highest magnitude. He has sass and attitude and I just adore the stuffing out of him. Now his mama says, "Jesus take the wheel" about every 15 minutes of the day with him, and Lord on high this kid wants to eat EVERY SECOND of the day, but I love every single ornery, contrary thing about him. His Lols is his #1, #2 and #3 fan in the entire world, and I will always have his back. At church on Sunday, I was holding his hand to go fetch him a donut (of course) and he held our hands with his other hand, and threw out to me as we were making our way to the donut table, "I just love ya, lols".
That goes double for you, kiddo.
I absolutely LOVE my family, my life and this journey. What a miraculous time .
Blessed and highly favored.....that is us.
And another fun fact: when I recently moved, I will have you know that I thanked my clothes prior to 2016 for their service, told them they sparked joy in their day and sent them to good will. Growth baby. Growth.