Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


addle, baffle, bamboozle, beat, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, buffalo, confound, confuse, disorient, flummox, fuddle, get, gravel, maze, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex, pose, puzzle, vex
This is how my Monday was yesterday.  

Which was ironic, because in my Monday conference call, the word of the day was discombobulate.
Let me just tell you about my last few days.  
First off, Mother Nature has done lost her mind this year.  One day I am out in the backyard sweating, in shorts, mind you, raking leaves, and the VERY NEXT DAY, it is snowing ice pellets.  

So there's that.

Hallie had a volleyball tournament in Denver this past weekend, and, me, being the ever savin' dollar conscience mom that I am, decided Hal & I would fly out (so I could work up until we leave), and then drive back on Sunday with friends from the team.  

This is a great plan, except for the whole "driving" thing.  I firmly believe that if you can't get anywhere in 3 hours by car, you better have your butt in a plane.  I am not a happy passenger.  And 10 hours in a car, with Hallie sharing my seat (all 74 inches of her, in which 72 of that is legs) trying to "get comfortable".......  (and trust me, we were in a great big vehicle, with super wonderful folks).  As we rolled in at 1 am on Monday am....I knew things could get weird.


The neat thing about the volleyball tournament, and playing in a NEW division this year, "Open", which is code for "Outstanding Players Everywhere Nobiggie", is that you get a bunch of college coaches standing at your court, watching your kids play.  Very very cool.  and nervewracking.

The girls won a bunch of games, then lost a bunch of games, and came out of it with a higher expectation of themselves.  It's so amazing watching these girls figure out this game, and work to reach their maximum potential.  Absolutely a blast to watch.  (mostly)

It was wicked cold in Denver.  We had to walk about 5 blocks to the convention center to play, and I found myself walking top speed, longing for a beach and sand.  

Yesterday, still recovering from the late night, in texting Steven's basketball coach, Shannan, griping with him about the refs this year.....telling him that I can't believe how calm he stays..

Now THERE is a text every parent should send to a coach.

You have to know I didn't type LAME, because I was more concerned with the You'Re usage.  I'm serious, I chortled and guffawed over that for awhile. (still blaming autocorrect on that one)

Then, watching Steven play his playoff game last night (different coach, yes I have him on 2 teams, I don't understand either, because I'm just made of time lately) (and runon sentences)
THE REFS!   AGAIN, with the refs.   I had issues this weekend with the refs at the VB tournament, and then, I swear, they followed me to Oklahoma and showed up at the 5th grade basketball playoffs.    And no matter how hard I try to control thy tongue (WWJD, WWJD, WWJD), I end up being tacky.

For example.  Why oh why would an opposing team parent set in the other teams seating area? Not cool.  Yes, I used sarcasm asking them to please stay seated and not follow us (when we move to other side after each game).   WWJD WWJD WWJD WWJD.   I try to be a good Christian, but sports brings the ugly out in me.  

I was talking to someone (there goes my alzheimers again), and they said instead of WWJD at games, it's probably more like  WWLD?  (what will Laura Do).   

Oh my.  


Just pray for me. 

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