Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I was BORN for this


Today marked a big day for the Tribe.  We left our comfortable, familiar church campus in MWC, and moved 20 minutes closer to home, to the Moore campus.  (Same church, different locations)

We have so many friends and loved ones at the MWC campus, it was TOUGH to leave, but on the same hand, I was thrilled and excited to start this new chapter. 

Hallie brought two friends, and I had my 3 lovelies in tow, and we looked like a clown car when we piled out when we drove up.

That's how we roll. 

Loved everything about it.   The music, the facility, the people.  It was very cool.

We had a guest speaker today, and he OOZED "cool" out of every single pore of his body.  Carl Lentz, from Hillsong United in New York.  Everytime I hear a speaker talk about HARD times, it always hits really close to home.   

There is a BUNCH of stuff happening in my world right now.  Friends with cancer, fighting the fight of their lives, friends attempting to adopt children (I feel their pain), friends suffering from the loss of their children or parents, friends suffering from the loss of their marriage, jobs, dreams..... lots and lots of pain.

And it always seem trite to say, "God will see you through".  Sometimes that is the LAST THING  the people want to hear...but it's all I got. 

Because not too long ago, I was suffering a loss, and I have to tell you....the ONLY thing that got me through was the fact that God held me through it all. 

The one thing that Carl said today that resonated through me, was you have to be armed for the hard times, and be ready for them.  Because the only thing that I know for sure about this the hard times???  They are a'comin.  

Someone very close to me just lost their job.  They didn't love their job, by any stretch of the imagination, but, hello, it paid the bills.  Four years ago, I found myself in a similar situation, betrayed by people I trusted with my very life....and I have to tell smacked.  It smacked all the way to China. 

And as I sat, with my world reeling out of focus, and every single conceivable worry battering every pore of my body, my daughter took me in check and said to me, "MOM, this is your fresh start.  This is your crossroads.  Starting today, YOU are in control".  (paraphrased for effect)

"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides.  You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.  So don't try to get out of anything prematurely.  Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient IN ANY WAY.  If you don't know what you are doing, PRAY TO THE FATHER.  He loves to help.  You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it... Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate.  For such persons loyalty in love with God, the reward is life and more life."   James 1:2-5.  

If I had stayed at that place where I was, I would NOT have ever been open to fostering.  I would not have worked with people with disabilities and learned an entire new way of thinking.  So I tell my friend (or anyone that is struggling) be faithful in your prayer, seek HIM in all things, and your life will take a turn (on A DIME) for the better.  It may be so sudden it takes your breath away, or it may be so slow and steady that you don't even feel it, or are made aware of it, but it happens.  Just the way God wants it to be. 

Sometimes the trial you are in, through your actions, speaks volumes to everyone watching you.  I know my prayer life increases significantly when someone asks me to pray for a certain thing.  I will find myself in constant prayer for someone throughout the day. 

When there are no challenges in my life...I'm not a prayer warrior the way I long to be.  I find that when the world throws the worst of the worst at someone, riding through the storm, and staying in the boat, brings out the best of the best. 

One of my dear friends just lost her precious mom.  She feels so lost without the day to day contact with her, and wondered how in the world I managed to make it through the day after we lost Laynie. 

It's hard to explain that time to people, because even engulfed in grief over that loss, we were all so supernaturally held in grace by such overwhelming peace, it brings a spurt of tears to my eyes even thinking about it today.   As I drove to church today, I thought of Laynie's last day, and I just wanted to stop the car and get out and cry and cry and cry today.  WHY did that happen to us?  WHY didn't God let her live ?? 

and the truth of the matter, the heart of the heart is that Laynie served her purpose on this earth.  She brought me to God.  She put me on my knees more times than I can remember.  She made me write and beg and plead for prayers on her behalf from thousands of people, and people that didn't pray all the time, started praying for Laynie, and God heard those prayers and brought Hope and peace to us all.

I don't understand it, and skeptics will shake their heads and tell you I'm crazy, but if this is crazy, lock me up, because there is no other way I want to live my life. 

I was born to live through the pain, the joy, the heartache, the wonderfulness, the awesome brilliant days that are my life.

And I consider them pure joy, Lord....when the trials come.  And I stand ready.

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