Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election 2016

Back when Donald Trump announced he would run for President, I just laughed to myself.  "That's HILARIOUS", I thought, finishing the thought with a "You're FIRED" (hand gesture included).

As he gained more and more momentum, and most of my family backing him (my brother, "Washington needs an enema"), and all the negative press surrounding him, and Hillary's nose growing on national tv, I found myself between the proverbial "rock" and the "hard spot".  Who to vote for?

I was a registered Democrat at 18.  (just like my daddy) As I grew older I found myself voting Republican more than Democrat.  So at midlife, I switched my party affliation, but still voted for whomever I believe to be the best candidate.  (Never met a democrat I didn't like)

My facebook BLEW UP last night with hate.  HATE HATE HATE.


Friends, it doesn't matter who sits in the white house.... our GOD is supremely in control.  For the record, I was one of those hillbilly, uneducated white folk that was insanely dumb enough to vote for Donald Trump.

My kid, my own love and flesh, is entering the military in July of next year, and will most likely spend a great majority of her life, in the military.  No way, no how could I vote for the candidate who could care less about military spending.  No way.

Plus, the media needs an enema.  I've been exposed to a media bias here in Norman, with Hallie in volleyball.  The local paper here is pro Norman High.  Always has been, always will be. I watched us almost win state and barely got a nod of recognition from those jack asses.  (sorry, media ticks me off), but when we lost, HEADLINEs of the loss with a picture of our team standing there crying.   What the Heck.  So I understand media bias.  And Donald Trump?  He became media fodder.  Is he perfect?  Oh for the love of heck, No.   Is he a dork in front of the camera?  Oh Heck yes he is.  But what rings true to me, was his insistence on taking down the career politicians that hold this country in their grips.  And he doesn't mince words.  Period.  What you see is what you get.  I remember my brother telling me the enema analogy, and me asking him back,  "Yeah, but I just don't want the whole USA to take the enema".  So enough about enemas.   Trump is president.  We have brought reality tv into the white house.

Let's take it like the champions we are, and see what happens.

What concerns me most, was one of the local state questions.  I wanted teachers to get raises.  Period.  God knows I have voted for the lottery, paramutual betting, liquor by the drink, everything Oklahoma promised to put in the teachers pockets.  Nary a one helped our teachers.  

So I have an idea.  They were going to get $5000 a year raise.  After taxes, that would be about $3500 (being generous).  Every single teacher in Oklahoma has at least 25-30 kids they handle (middle and high schoolers, more).   If everyone could rally and support their teachers this Christmas with $100 visa gift cards,  WE THE PEOPLE could handle their deficit and give them their raises.   We were all going to take tax hits of almost $500 a year passing this bill.  Most families have 2-5 kids.  $100 per teacher is still less than the tax we would pay.   We pay NOTHING for public school.  There is no tuition.  LET's FREAKING TAKE CARE OF OUR TEACHERS.  We said NO to the government of oklahoma handling it, SO the PEOPLE that SEND their kids every single day to school, need to step the heck up.    SUPPORT YOUR TEACHERS.

I remember those first months with the "lovelies".  Christmas was on me, with barely 6 weeks in with them.  I was SHOWERED with insane love that first year.  Gift cards, christmas presents, money...insane!   The second year...same thing.  This year, more on my feet, able to breathe, finding a rhythm, I know how lifechanging it was for me to have those gift cards drop from heaven.  Saved my bacon.   SUPPORT YOUR TEACHERS.   I know most middle school/high school students have 6-7 teachers in a day (impossible to cover all of them).  Pick one- pick two, but EVERYONE has to do it to make it work.  We can fix this problem ourselves.   LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  SUPPORT the teachers that spend more time with our KIDS than we DO!  

Anyway, dang.  I may need to run for freaking office.   I've got a sketchy past I'm not proud of, and really awkward in front of a camera.  I could have a career.

Support a teacher this Christmas.  Rock their worlds.

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