Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Monday, July 7, 2014

Finding the Sweet in the Bitter

July is a freaking tough month.

I still cannot believe that on July 10, it will have been 4 years since Laynie got her angel wings.

Today, our dear friend Katie Begley featured Lacey on her blog.  It is just fantastical.  (I happen to love both of these girls to the moon and beyond).

Katie's blog

As I sat in church on Sunday and watched the message of my most favorite series, "At the Movies", so many thoughts ran through my head.

First, when we had Laynie's celebration of life, the church was decked out in Ratatouille, complete with cafe, eiffel tower, etc.  I even talked about At the Movies in the eulogy I prepared.   Full circle, I felt.  Our family has come full circle.

Second, as I sobbed my way through the message.... (I can cry at the drop of a hat for the next couple of weeks, over ANYTHING)...... and they showed this scene.....

All I could think about was about the day I finally leave this earth and get to heaven.  I can promise you with everything I am, that I will be screaming, "LAYNIE!!! LAYNIE!!!" and running as fast as I possibly can to have her jump in my arms.....  and seeing my dad again......   I just want all of you to know right now......when my time comes,  I don't want no bawling send-off.... I want a celebration!!  BECAUSE I will be free!!!  And I expect all of you'n's to keep your noses clean, because I want to greet you the exact same way, when it's your turn some day!

So, I choose joy in the face of these days.   We are gearing up for PURPLE day on July 10......

Our phones, facebook pages, instagram just light up on July 10, and it's just a blessing to walk through that hard, hard day....with the love of our friends pushing us through. 

Another sweet...... tomorrow I will be increasing my family tree by one branch with three apples on it.  I will blog more tomorrow and have some pictures from our special day, but because God is faithful and He always delivers us JOY when we most need it...... We are going to court on 7-8 at 9.  I'm glad they made it easy for me.  I doubt 2 of the 3 Vietnamese that live in this house will get much sleep tonight.   They are JACKED UP with Joy. 

So thank you friends.   Thanks for loving our family, and walking our journey with us.  Thanks for reading my words, and letting Laynie's life matter and be so personal to all of you. 

She was a gift from God for all of us......Sent from heaven to show us what heaven will be like......

God is good, simply all the time. 

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