This time of the year is always a kick in the teeth for me. I just don't like the first of July. Laynie went to heaven on July 10, SIX years ago, and even though we have a flood of PURPLE love heading to us on the 10th, it's always a hard day for me.
Then KD decided to leave Thunder, which left 1/2 of my household and my neighbor in bereft sadness, so all of that mess was hard to take on the 4th.
Then Alison shared this post on facebook, and made my entire day.....
Dear Cancer,
I thought it would only be fair to warn you. You have chosen the wrong woman and the wrong family to mess with. It is obvious that you are a coward and have no idea who you are up against. Let me set you straight. On your side, all you have is yourself. Cancer. Sneaky, relying on scare tactics such as “stage numbers” and survival statistics. The problem is, you have no idea what we have on OUR side. Let me enlighten you. First off, we have GOD. The only reason you have been permitted to throw the first sucker punch in this fight is that GOD is permitting it. He is allowing it for my good; for my growth and the chance to rely on Him further and learn more about Him. You don’t get to call the shots. GOD does. You do not control the time span of my life. GOD does. What you mean for hopelessness and discouragement, God means for good and a closer spiritual walk with Him. Given God’s absolute power and authority, we really don’t need any other team members, but since I said I would introduce you to the whole team, allow me to continue.
You picked the fight with me, so I will kick off the introductions. You clearly did not take a good look at me before you threw the first punch. I am a fighter. I am stubborn and loyal and never give up when I set my sights on a goal. Did I mention that I am the mother of six children? And an adoptive momma? And a homeschooler? Take just one of those jobs and you would have one tough woman. Throw all three into the mix and you come out with a tenacious woman who values life and her family above all else, and a woman who will fight you until the bitter end. Did I mention that knife throwing is my backyard hobby? Just thought you might want to know that.
My husband. Ah, my husband. You obviously did not take a look at him up close and personal. My husband is an amazing man. Yes, he has a soft and gentle side, but that is reserved for those he loves and trusts. That would NOT be you. No, you will be seeing the OTHER side of my husband. The man who is fiercely protective of his wife and family. The man who will stop at nothing to protect and support his wife and who will remain steadfastly alongside her in this marathon. He has already suited up and I believe I hear him reloading right now. I would run while you have the chance.
My children. Yes, I do have a gaggle of them. And you know why? Because they are amazing, that’s why. Given they are our children, the kids have inherited our tenacity, fierce loyalty, stubbornness and fighting spirit. And, interestingly enough, our passionate pursuit of various self-defense techniques. Victoria will be happy to target you in using her bow and arrow OR her rifle. She’s multi-talented like that. Did you know that Savannah recently returned from military war dog internship? She’s been using all that she learned in training our two Dobermans. I would be very scared if I were you. And sure, Ashlyn seems like such a sweet and gentle girl, but don’t let that fool you. When it comes to defending her family against bullies she won’t hesitate to knock you down flat. Laramie is thirteen years old. She doesn’t even NEED an excuse to hate you, as she is already emotional and will see you as bent on ruining her life. Did I mention she also has begun Jujitsu? That girl is going to mess you up. And the boys? Wow. They would just LOVE the chance to go all crazy Ninja on you and use some karate moves on anyone who messes with their momma.
I am sure you are now very nervous, cancer, but I haven’t even touched on our extended family or friends yet!! Suffice it to say that most of my close friends are also moms of large families & homeschoolers, and they are not only some of the most tenacious and loyal friends you can ask for, but they are also chronically tired and overworked, so they will indeed be prone to taking out all pent-up aggression on you and will give you a butt-kickin’ you are not soon to forget. Our loving friends and family members have all been in touch with me to let me know they are praying for me and they are all standing by my side, offering support in any way that I need. My mom and dad have already developed a deep hatred toward you. Did you know that I am my dad’s youngest daughter? He’s a good ol’ Okie boy who also stands ready to battle this one out on behalf of his “baby bear”.
So, cancer, I guess the message bears repeating. You have picked the wrong person to mess with. My heavenly Father is supporting me and helping me every day; my family and friends are there to pick me up after you throw your cowardly punches and we will ALL come out swinging. There is NO way you are going to win this one. You WILL be overcome. You WILL be beaten. It is time for you to leave.
Then after spending a fun time with Lindsay and her girls on July 4th at my brother and his girlfriend's place, and laughing and laughing at her in her 9 month state of pregnancy,.
she presented the family with our newest member last night at 8:30ish 7 lb 2 oz 20 inch long,
Major Warren Lewis
His new big sister, Maleah, is more than ready to take him home. This will be a fun, busy time for Lindsay!
Then on the heels of this sweet news.....Alison got her biopsy results from San Francisco and PRAISE BE TO JESUS, all the new spots are BENIGN! We are praying for surgery to happen on the 20th now, and get those tiny little cancer cells GONE from her body, so She can begin the healing journey and SHOW Cancer OUT THE HOUSE. SUCH a PRAISE report!
Just got off the phone with a nurse from UCSF... I am now crying HAPPY tears. BOTH biopsies came back as benign, meaning no cancer spreading to those areas. The nurse is awaiting one last “puzzle piece” that she thinks she will get today – the radiologist has to look at the pathology report and confirm what the other folks see and the conclusions they have drawn and either agree or disagree with their findings. She said she will call me back before close of business today either way to let me know what she has heard or if she has not heard. SO... I am now praying that we are still able to move forward with surgery on the 20th. I will post info. when I hear. Join me in praising God for good news! With thanksgiving, Alison