Let me just say, they started with pizza and pink lemonade icebox pie, and I have to say, that is one way in this girl's heart. Straight through her tummy. Yum.
I recognized an older gentleman sitting there, but I couldn't place him for the life of me. Frustration.....who is that??????
After filling our tummys, we all make our way to the front room, and Kenny starts off with some thoughts, and leads us into worship. He randomly picks a song, and what should play but "Revelation Song"... the very song we were listening to when Laynie passed away, then subsequently played at her celebration of life. It was a powerful moment for me friends. If ever God was present, it was then. I had nothing but the most intense calming sense come over me. I shared, for the next hour, our walk with Laynie. I glanced around, and noticed that the older gentleman would be closing his eyes in some parts, (as if in prayer).. it felt profound and powerful.
Let me back up. This isn't just any ordinary group. This is a full out believer of Jesus Christ prayer warriors, that I have stumbled (uhm, right) upon. One of the ladies in the group shared that she had terrible tumors on her fingers and was facing surgery and biopsies and through the older man anointing her, and praying over her, she was TOTALLY HEALED in three days. 100% healed. I haven't dropped in by accident, I have been led.
I finish sharing her story, and video, and as we all wipe our eyes and I start answering questions, I notice the older gentleman reading in his bible. Laynie's video is still on the screen, and it is at it's final screen, which are her dates, and a scrolling diary of the pictures.
Israel (his name) speaks up and says... "Her death date is a powerful date.....POWERFUL. 7-10-10 ....
The seven stands for rest, and what more perfect way to meet God, but on the day of rest... but the 10:10 taken from John "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
I've never felt such utter peace and knowledge that I am doing the right thing. I have no doubt that the enemy will attack us and try to stop us, so I would appreciate everyone's prayer over my entire family. Prayers to keep us close and safe.
Right after I started helping with SWITCH (youth groups) we had a video on a man that moved me to tears. I was so blown away by his story, I shared it with my family, my workers, my lifegroup, I just couldn't NOT tell people his story. As I was leaving, Kenny said "I put one of Israel's videos in your bag to share with you, I hope you like it." Well because I didn't carry the bag in with me last night, as it was so late, I didn't see the video until I was walking into work. I grabbed it out of the bag, and glanced at it as I was walking. As it dawned on me what I was holding my footsteps faltered, then stopped. Israel (Jim) Hanna was the man in the video, and he was the man at the lifegroup. My eyes filled with tears and my ears started ringing because the story I had shared with so many people, after seeing this very video, his powerful testament of faith and hope, this man that overcame every adversity, had given witness to my story of Laynie. And his subsequent thoughts on her death date became a powerful thing to me. And the fact that he had anointed and HEALED his fellow lifegroup member, the overwhelmingness of it just overpowered me.
I've limited God. I've never given him free reign over my life. I've taken what I've needed and not fully given of myself. When you finally push off from the shore and start swimming, can you truly put yourself out there to see what God has in store. As long as you sit in your house, and keep quiet and don't share and don't be bold...God is limited. No more. The possibilities are endless.... I am here to see it through.

I suggest you watch this at some point. Don't limit God.
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