Last night Lacey not only received one standing ovation, she received two. Maybe three, I didn't see the last part of the show.
Our friend, Abby Webster, took a picture of her computer during the live stream and posted this on Laynie's wall ! We have some terrific friends.
This colorful group was terrific ... kudos to everyone that danced!
A bunch of our friends and family gathered together to celebrate our Lacey and Laynie, at the Children's Miracle Network, Dancing for a Miracle gala. Lacey represented "Miracle Families" in the event, and I may be somewhat prejudiced, but she was just an angel herself.

I was honored to be a part of the Committee that put it together this year, and I have to tell you. I will never EVER walk into another event and take for granted all the work that goes on behind the scenes. Not one detail was left to chance. The only thing not thought of, in this beautifully orchestrated extravaganza, was the 110 degree heat. Whereas, normally, the 500 guests browse in the hallways, drinks in hand, shopping all 150 silent auction items (WHICH WERE ALL JUST FABULOUS), started getting cramped and cranky, so the beautiful ballroom doors were opened and the sweaty, sold out, crowd was swept into a beautifully decorated dancing fairyland. It was extraordinary. I'm happy that I had got to witness Lacey's video and dance earlier in the day at the run-through, so I could get all my crying and snot flying out of the way. The girl was amazing. And her professional partner, Brock Geeslin, was just an everloving doll.

We all watch and appreciate Dancing With the Stars, and see the polished dances on the tv show, and think to ourselves, "We could soooo do that"... when in reality, Lacey is a pretty amazing dancer, and she felt she wasn't really the "Natural" that we thought she could be. Now don't get me wrong, she was FANTASTIC, but she had many weeks of nerves getting to the point she was last night. She was breathtaking.
We had so many friends there, and it was just a full out fun fest for this event-loving grandma. At our table we had our friends John and Ashley Willeford and his co-worker and wife;
Kellie and Austin Greenhaw, lifegroup friends of Brad and Lacey;
Grammie, Kip
and the birds, and honorary "AUNTS", Cathy Stephens and Janis Young.
The table next to us was our friends from Dignity Memorial (the company Brad works for, and the company I worked for for years), and we had a LOT of love at that table. Becky and Cliff Pope; Jeremy Sparks; Free and Eric Jordan; Stephanie Grimes, and Scott & Lori Werkmeister. They had WAY fun, enjoying our dancer friend that celebrated EVERY single dance from the side of the dance floor, with his own version of moves. I really believe they missed more the of the "real dancing", totally diggin on his interpretations. It was classic.
Beautiful girls.... Becky Pope, Stephanie Grimes, and Free Jordan. (Stephanie and Free were Laynie's funeral directors and they were magnificant) Love all three of those girls...
For funeral directors, these guys had a ton of fun. :)
Our dear friends, Scott and Jemma Stemmons were there,
and they literally got ring side seats. Jemma told me after, had she known she was going to have such a marvelous seat she would have brought her "good" camera, but I think she got some BEAUTIFUL shots during the actual dance, that none of us were close enough to get. So it worked out just great.
Of course, miracle families, Malena Trulson and her precious girls and hubs were there,
Lacey busting a move with Sydney, who DID NOT want to leave the dance floor!
and Vanessa and Jason Hart. Last year Vanessa shared her son Brock's story with the group and Brock enchanted all the guests with his quick smile and good nature (not to mention his jaunty hat).
Brock was Laynie's boyfriend, so he holds a very special place in our families heart.
Lacey had shared two years before with Laynie present, and we have nothing but fabulous memories of this memorable event. She even got to meet former first lady Cathy Keating, and soon to be governor Mary Fallin!
After sharing a delicious meal that started with this beautiful salad...
we were OFF to the dances.
Lacey and Brock were the 2nd couple to dance, and I can promise there wasn't a dry eye in the room. They had video blurbs before each dance, and Lacey got to share why she was dancing. Then, she delivered a beautiful, heartfelt dance for her angel, and Brock was a divine partner. At the end of her dance, everyone was on their feet and cheering.... it was one of those "moments". Never felt prouder of this daughter, that never misses a beat under pressure. It was just magic.
You can see sweet lil Laynie's picture in the left corner of the picture... So precious.
Scott Hines (from KFOR in your corner) was one of the emcees and he talked with Lacey and Brock after they danced.
Earlier in the day, he was all up in my corner. |
He had fun, because Lacey had shared with him about her "Dance Nightmares". I have to tell you... Lacey had mega dance nightmares before the event. She was wearing a dress that Niecy Nash wore on Season 6 of DWTS, and if you remember, Niecy was super endowed in the upper region. Lacey was endowed with organizational skills, and a photographic memory, but in the upper region, she takes after her mama. SO, she got superdeeduper, what she calls, her plastic rack, and in her dream, they just pop out, or slide out of place at the most inopportune times. Then while fighting to keep her fake rake in check, she and Brock are trying to do the dance in her dream, and ALL the other dancers are on the stage practicing, all up in their business. She realizes once she is on stage, that she has forgotten her shoes, and stinkin Scott Hines is there telling her that all she needs to do is paperclip them on, and she'll be good to go. Then when they FINALLY get the dancers off the stage, her shoes NOT paperclipped on, and getting ready to roll, they play the wrong music. Two of those things happened during the run through. (her boobs remained firmly in place, I'm happy to report), and she searched me out with her brown eyes SO WIDE "MOM, two of my nightmare dance dream has come true"... which made me tell her... well good, that should be all, then. Which, thankfully, it was. Whew. Close one.

The "runthrough" earlier in the day. Wrong music, people everywhere.
Lance West, Amanda Taylor and Cherokee Ballard were judges and at the run through I got this great picture of them, giving their votes.... Lance's "Me Likey" was my favorite. Amanda's "Beautiful" was icing on the cake. Cherokee Ballard had to beat it, so she didn't make my blog. I doubt she'll lose sleep.
Overall, Lacey raised probably close to $10,000 for CMN, and took home the 3rd place "STAR", and she was thrilled and honored.
It was all about the money for this event, but if there had been a CROWD "Who stole your heart" award, it would have been Lacey and Laynie and Brock, hands down.
God continues to bless our family with amazing opportunities, and wonderful lifelong friends. And He even knows how to keep a Peach dress on a beautiful girl, all her "Top Junk" intact. All in all, one of the proudest days of this mama's life.
I think Laynie's mama did her daughter proud.
I just bet someone else was smiling this big at her from above.
God is good, all the time.