This year I get to drive Gina to high school (Different than Hallie's), drive Steven to Middle School, and drive Zach to Kindergarten.
All three at different times.
This will be extra fun.
This year we are going to use the bus system of Norman. Oh. Yes. We. Are.
Gina is doing great. She has grammie as her daily therapist, so she talks and works many issues out with her. It's been wonderful watching her grow into the beauty that she is becoming. Lacey took her back to school shopping yesterday (If you know me well, you know this is twelve times of torture for me, I loathe shopping), and she thinks she is ready for anything. I'm pretty sure she is too.
High school here she comes. Hang on to your hats.
Steven is rolling into middle school this year as a 6th grader. He had a banner summer...getting selected to attend Kevin Durant's pro basketball camp and meeting KD. He doesn't talk much about his past, so sometimes I wonder if he needs to have more "grammie therapy", but I think he would rather just move forward. He got baptized last weekend, by Tyler no less, and this picture will forever be etched in my heart as one of my best days.
The pure joy on his face says it all.
Zachary starts kindergarten. Let me just say that again, so I can wrap my mind around the fact I have a kid in kindergarten.
Zachary starts kindergarten. This is going to be an interesting year. I think he carries few scars of the trauma he lived through, but then, like yesterday, something triggered him at daycare, and he was hysterical for an hour. I've learned how to walk them through it (Trial and error, not because I'm a genius), and after 15 minutes of "normalcy" and hugs, he moved back from the edge. The hardest part about abused kids, you NEVER know what might trip their PTSD. Ever. I will think something will, and it doesn't even affect them, and then something silly like someone saying something just right to them, will trip their triggers and we are off to the PTSD races.
After we got him calmed down though, his sisters thought it would be mega fun to see if he fit in Hallie's old mascot uniform, back from Lacey's pom days, and they bribed him to do it for a dollar. Kid has mad skills.
And a tiny waist. (the batman socks make the man)
Hallie is back at high school volleyball, and they had their first game the other day and they beat them pretty soundly. All the girls have played together for a bit, and since they are mainly juniors, their confidence is pretty high. I watch her play and think about how far she has come in such a short time, and I still can't believe how she has pushed herself to become the fabulous player she is today. Commitment and heart ...that kid has both in great abundance.
8th grade Longfellow Lions
11th grade
Norman North Timberwolves
So we are getting ready for the school year at this house, and figuring out bedroom configurations, school supplies, lunch menus, tennis shoes, new underwear, hair gel, locker shelves.
Just day to day in the house of the crazies.
Let another school year begin.
Oh and let's not forget about this little buttercup of joy.....Deaton Alan....3 months old, 16 pounds, 25 inches long of yummy goodness. He is my best tiny friend.
Let the good times roll.