When all the hysteria started in China, I was a bit concerned but nothing out of the ordinary. I don't listen to a lot of news (because most of it is sensationalized BS) and I know if anything is really serious, I will get a call from my mama and she will inform me immediately. It's how I roll.
So last Thursday (March 12) Hallie & I drove out of Shawnee, with the vision of driving her vehicle to NYC, because as a 2nd semester junior, they are allowed to have vehicles at West Point after spring break..... so the plan was me riding shotgun to NYC, and then jumping on a plane and heading back to OKC. Easy Breasy. RIGHT?
We had just barely pulled out of the driveway, when the proverbial S?%! hit the fan.
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Road Trip 2020 |
It was already becoming a thing before we left. People panic purchasing and wiping out toilet paper everywhere. I took this picture at Walmart on Wednesday, trying to actually find TOILET PAPER FOR THE WEEK, not 275 years of hoarding toilet paper, and found this one ply scott wanna be at walmart. 20 rolls of it left. I bought 4. Unfortunately, with one ply that's about what it takes for just one of my boys to wipe their butts once. I'm still not sure of 1 ply's purpose. But I digress. INSANE.
So, on with the adventure. We knew corona was a thing, due to the grocery store panic, so our battle plan was to stick to ourselves, stay in the car, use a lot of my homemade hand sanitizer, and just wash our hands every time we got out of the car. As we got close to our first night's stop (Nashville), Hallie got the email from West Point, cancelling school until 29 March. (I love talking in military talk, seems so legit when I do it). Hmm. Hallie vacillates between elation, and doomsday pretty much in a roller coaster fashion until I am suffering from whiplash of the highest magnitude. We stop, I make some quick calls to my people that guide me through life, and after thinking it through, I tell her, "We are going to turn around and go home". We had been thinking we would power on through, and at least get her car there, and have her fly home with me, but as fast as things were changing that day, (And I mean CHANGING SO FAST), we decided best course of action was to turn around and drive home. And I'm here to tell you driving 10 hours on I-40 east one day and 10 hours on I-40 west the next day, is right up there in the TOP 10 most exciting 2 days of my life.
I'm super relieved we did that, because as of yesterday, West Point has even lifted the 29 March deadline to return, and conducting virtual learning through the internet web. (I'm showing my internet savvy here). Now, remember I have been in this house about 6 months and Hallie hasn't lived with me in 2 moves and 3 years, so what kind of living situation are we in right now? Suitcases and bunking with mom. NO bueno.
Discussed the magnitude of her probably being home until who knows when, we ventured out into the covid-19 masses and bought her a bed and set her up her own room upstairs, complete with desk and work area. She is in heaven. I made hamburgers for lunch yesterday, and carried her one up to her, during class and handed it to her, and she later told me that "It was the best day of my life". LOL
Doesn't take much to make her happy.
Meanwhile these very hilarious memes made my days, the last week.
So the hilarious factor has been on-point during the last week. I went to work one day, and of course, with everyone being urged to stay at home, NO one is wanting to see me right now, so there is the small panic in my heart of no income. BUT, I am staying hopeful, and I know who is in control. The same one that made this INCREDIBLE sunset we were able to see night before last.
There are so many theories and worries and what-if's. One of my friends literally had strep throat, and after going to urgent care and finding out (relieved, lol "wasn't the "rona") she only had strep, I've really been listening to the WIDE and varying reports of ALL THE things.
Here's what I think. (which I am only Lolly, and an observer at best) I appreciate the Quarantine. I understand the quarantine. WHAT ABOUT THE QUARANTINE are people NOT understanding? This is the most no nonsense article I read for what is happening and EVERYONE should do it.
I think most of us will get this and never know it. It mimics allergies/upper respiratory/flu. We've all survived that. What I'm most worried about, is the spread. If we stay home, and don't get around other people (I know THIS IS RIDICULOUSLY hard to do), we can Flatten The Curve. (another government term). We have to Flatten the Curve. I have senior citizens that are so susceptible, I have young grandsons that are so susceptible, I have friends with new babies, friends with special needs children. We all know someone that this virus could kill. So please for the love of all that is holy, STAY HOME.
And DON'T PANIC. If you feel symptomatic, stay away from your family and self quarantine. Gargle your throat with warm salt water at the first sign of a sore throat. This virus HATES heat. (this is why I personally think Lacey will not get this because she drinks 12.6 gallons of coffee per day, in order to keep up with all the boys in her life). I on the other hand, drink 12.6 gallons of iced sweet tea per day (with the 'rona will probably LOVE too), and am taking strides to remember to gargle with warm salt water in the morning and in the night. I haven't been washing my hands as much as I should, since I've been home, but I may even take that up a notch too.
Remember, you may not even KNOW YOU HAVE IT, and if you GO OUT AND SPREAD IT (because you only have allergies, yo), and give it to someone's grandma..... stay home and play games. I forced myself to play Phase 10 with Hal and the boys last night, and other than Zach almost being taken out with his use of "Skip" cards, it was pretty fun. Get back to basics. It's been hard to be cheerful about all of this, with the monsoon rains that happened ON TOP of being quarantined, you couldn't even send kids outside in the back yard. Now, with the NO SCHOOL thing firmly in place for the near future, we have to go old school. This is more for me than you, believe me, we have binge watched tv most of the week (and being transparent, not seeing that changing either), but with the advent of warmer, better weather, we are going to go walk at the airport track (away from people), we are going to work in our yard, we are going to clean closets, and take time to go through all the crap in the garage and see what we really have and need.
Disney & Kennedy Space Center Free Stuff
Authors reading books, pretty neat
SO THERE ARE THINGS TO DO. I made my kids watch and scared all my kids with the movies, Outbreak and Contagion, so now they are completely content to stay inside. I probably wouldn't recommend this for everyone, but it worked for me.
Just think, in 20 years, this will be something they talk about in history classes. We are making history here, let's embrace what IS, and move forward.
And remember, most of all, and in all things............God is Good, All the Time.
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