The Hall's gave her a baby shower in Paradise (if I ever live anywhere else, how about PARADISE?, I mean can I get a solid AMEN?).
Truth was, I was so slammed over the christmas break when she was here, I didn't get to spend but the drive from the airport and to the airport with just THEM, so this was a needed down time for ole mom and her kids that live WAY too far away from me.
Brandon and Brielle picked me up in Sacramento, and I had the pleasure of traveling with my very large Grand Daug, and very fun son in law, on the 2 hour drive from Sac to Redding.
It was glorious.
Brandon brought me a large Sonic Sweet tea to sip on the way home, and I have to tell you, I used that insulated cup ALL WEEKEND LONG. This guy GETS his mom-in-law.
I'm so proud of the life they have in California. They both work ridiculously hard, and Brandon keeps the house and the cars in mint condition and it's all very exciting. He has a 74
It's going to be gorgeous when it's done! I just love the color! The bronco isn't the only thing getting a makeover, they found a sweet little dresser on facebook marketplace and bought it and finished restoring it this past weekend. It's just adorable. They are quite the team.
The baby shower was tons of fun. Kip's sister in law, Brooke and her mom in law, Pam, threw the shower for her and tons of people came. The Hall's are "Kind of a Big Deal" in Paradise.
Brooke's baby, Rhett made me mildly obsessed, but since I had a pretty gross cough, I kept my distance.
Nothing about that was easy because he is my favorite age, and a living DOLL and was more interested in his tiny fishing pole than anything all the ladies were doing.
Which consisted of trying to figure out what kind of candy were in these amazingly realistic looking poop diapers.
I think the lady that won, actually ended up tasting the diapers, because she got all 5 right. Either that, or the chick knows her candy. If it had been cheetos and peach gummies, I would have gotten all of them right, too.
Then we drew Kip's baby on a piece of paper on our foreheads, and...well... I hope my grandson looks better than the drawing I created. I gave him dimples and they weren't even on his face.
Then we had a fill in the blank game, and it was BRANDON's answers for the blanks. My favorite answer was NURSING _______. My son in law said "Tarp, you know those things ladies use to cover up".
I ended up with 4 right, even though it should have been 5 because to me a Wash _____ ...CLOTH is the same as a RAG, or at least it is in Oklahoma.....but we ended up with a tie, which led us to have to race across the room with a potato wedged in our nether regions (as not to BREAK OUR WATER) and drop said potato into a rather small bucket.
I did great until the drop in the bucket shot and overshot my "Water" on the lady sitting on the couch. Oopsy.
All great fun. But the best part was watching my sweet daughter open all the cute little gifts. And she made a stinking haul! This baby will be well dressed!!
She tried on her "baby wrap" and tucked a small deal of diapers and the cute hat a mom knitted for her, and we decided she looks like a natural.
I tell you what. This baby has been highly anticipated.
Very few people know, but Kip and Brandon tried for a couple of years before finally getting pregnant. It was month after month of let downs, and I just want people to know that, God IS faithful and it's seriously ALL IN HIS TIME. When you are in the middle of the disappointment and heartache of the WANTING and WAITING, it's hard to be patient and faithful. Very HARD. What was so special, they had decided to go ahead and do the fertility stuff, and the VERY MONTH they were getting geared up to start....guess who ended KNOCKED UP? And then DIDN'T tell her mother for THREE weeks, mind you.
But those of you that know the airport story and saw the videos and the Hallie videos, now know why there were so many happy tears. For many months we had prayed and longed for this miracle, and now he is heading this way.
And he LOOKS JUST LIKE HIS STINKING DADDY! (which isn't a bad thing, because his dad is pretty darn cute)
Anyhow, ole Lols had a great time in California. We spent most of Sunday going through the Loot and getting her organized.
All I know is that God is forever faithful, and You just have to let HIM have control, and trust and believe and all "God may count you worthy of the calling, and may fulfill all the good pleasure of goodness, and the work of the faith in power".
Those words mean so much more to me now. Kip will even tell you now that the timing is "Absolutely perfect" and how much more Ready and content she is for this adventure.
Never doubt God's plan for you. It is perfect, and the fullness of it will be revealed.
Just sit in that boat and weather that storm.'s a coming.
Or Baby Boy Hall.
God is so good, all the time.
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