I woke up at 3:00 last night. That always makes me pretty happy. (where is the sarcasm font?)
I started worrying. You know what I'm talking about. That 3 am voice of doubt starts in and it's a loud mouth heckler, just wanting to rob your joy.
I said, "Satan, get behind thee."
Instead of worrying about my dog (who is really old and having a battle with her arthritis right now), I got up and went in to her, laid on the floor by her (for those of you that know me well, I have moved her bed out of the laundry room and into the front room, so NO, I wasn't laying by the washing machine), and I petted her sweet little gray face and told her how much I loved her, and that she has been a most excellent dog and how much we all loved her (even Lacey). She's just a bit delirious (on her pain meds and still in so much pain) and I have a feeling I won't have her much longer. She's been such a fantastic companion for my family, providing fun, energy and loyalty that I cannot even begin to write in this blog. I'm not much of a dog person, but I'm an Arlie person, but this story will be for another day.
I went back to bed, and tried to go to sleep, but then Hallie was put on my heart. She is off to New York City this next weekend through New Years Eve with her sisters on her dad's side, Chaurley and Sammi. I know she is going to be fine and dandy, but she is my baby, so I'm allowed to worry.
I thought about what they had said at our meeting last week, and I put some worry into action. I turned on my light and got my bible and randomly opened to a verse. Matthew 7 was laid on my heart.
"Keep on asking and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone that asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, Finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.".... "If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him."
Well, He had me at Sinful People, cause that's me. And since it's Christmas and all and the "GOOD GIFTS" got me too.
You cannot believe the amount of wonderful presents that have been bestowed on the lovelies. It's been amazingly overwhelmingly terrifical. They are going to flip outside of their bodies on Christmas morning. And here's the deal, one present would have been good enough for them. In fact, if they had gotten nothing, and I had got up and made them pancakes and eggs, they would have been satisfied. Especially if I had sat down and played the card game "Koolaid" with them for a couple of hours.
I take that "Good gifts" as quality time. If you sinful people know how to gift quality time to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give quality time to those who ask him.
Our kids are gifted with every device, game, sporting equipment, high dollar clothing and chi straightener known to Walmart. But, just like Arlie in the wee hours of the morning, all they want is you to lay beside them and tell them how brilliant and special they are. I am guilty of this. So very guilty. I always have provided for my kids, but not stopped and hugged them and told them how amazing I think they all are. My kids turned out brilliant, in spite of their sinful ole mom.
So this Christmas, I'm going to slow down and not worry if the meal is perfect, or if I gave too many presents to one kid over another, I'm going to love and appreciate my family. And play some Kool-aid, and share the story of the baby born in a manger to my lovelies, so they will always understand the real meaning of Christmas.
Because the "Good Gifts" that the Heavenly father gives back to you, is the peace that floods your soul and the joy you have facing each day. Worry won't rob me today, the only thing on my mind will be God's presence and peace. All because I woke up at 3 am, and let God comfort me. Try that next time you find yourself awake and worrying. That's my Christmas gift to you, given to me by the very reason for Christmas.
Love and Merry Christmas Eve. I would love to invite everyone to a Lifechurch tonight at 5 or 6:30 for our Christmas Eve services. It will be the perfect evening, I promise.
Laura, thanks you for sharing your heart with us. And God bless you and your "lovelies," especially at Christmastime. And thanks for the 3AM advice...I will remember that the next time...Merry Christmas to you all.
ReplyDeleteMike Frock