LB fell asleep in the chair tonight watching American Idol. When I tried to rouse him to take him to bed, he came up swinging. He sleepwalks at night, and is terrified while he is doing it.
It kills my heart.
This sunny little boy, with such a giving, pure heart, is terrified inside. They both have such a hard time going to bed at night. Lovely puts blankets all around the perimeter of her bed, like a fort, and feels comfort there. LB covers his head with his pillow and piles blankets and pillows all around him.
I think a lot of things happened to these precious souls at night.
They've learned at Lolly's house, there's a whole lot of sleeping going on. And that's about it.
I would love prayers for them, for Monday they go to court and tell the judge their side. Last time they were in this position, they lied. They protected their parents and lied.
This time, it's going to be OH so very different.
Also, I'll take prayers because I am going to have Baby Brother (BB), age 3, over the next two weekends to see about transitioning him here too.
I'm freak old for a 3 year old. Unless they are a grandchild I send home when I'm done spoiling. Then I'm not old AT ALL.
So pray for me too. Pray for my purpose to be revealed for these kids, and BB. I need clarity and answers for this next step.
Pray for all involved in this decision for these kids. It occurred to me that things could go very wrong in court, and they could go home next week. I have to believe that with the kids testimony and the players involved, that surely that won't happen.
Just pray for us, friends. And pray for the parents to take whatever answer is given to them, they accept it and yearn to live better, and do better for their kids.
Praying, praying, praying. And if there's one thing I've learned, you aren't too old. After all Steve Martin just became a first time father at 67!
ReplyDeleteJanell Huntsman