I heard this song on the radio today, and couldn't wait to get home to You Tube it.
I've heard Dameon sing it and just love it so very much...
Then I saw it with the video.
Get a kleenex or twelve.
When the girl reaches for his foot, as he has just saved her from being stoned by the good "Christians" in town, and Jesus admonished them with, "Let any among you without sin, cast the first stone".... I lost it. That girl is me. Unworthy to be loved, yet so loved and valued by my God. There is no greater love.
That's all I have to say about that.
Lovely's getting "babbitized" in the morning at 10:00. Everyone say a prayer of thankgiving with me, and
join me in welcoming another sister into the fold.
The GREAT I AM. ...
Awesomeness!! I'm going to have to find another word for your amazingness!