Yes. I did.
When the call came that the caseworker had dropped a couple of "Balls" and I wouldn't get to keep our 4 year old, I was disappointed, and a wee bit heartbroken.
So I strapped on my big girl panties, went on a date with two of three of my favorite hotties in the world, and proceeded to have a wonderful, laughter filled evening. Then as I walked out of the movie theatre, I listened to my voicemail, and another caseworker had left a message.."Would you be willing to take brothers for the weekend? We have a foster mom that needs to go out of state, and needs some respite help." Well, duh. Of course I will.
Then I stared in my brand newly organized and arranged little girl in heaven room and knew I was going to have to get to work.
Here's the deal. Boys are easy.
I posted on facebook about ideas for boys, and I was overwhelmed with responses. Give them balls, water, dirt and food, and you are good.
Everyone was right.
My two princes are 10 and 8. The oldest is disabled, and precious and his little brother is his warrior. They were so polite in the first 10 minutes of having them, that I almost swallowed my teeth. Then the youngest started getting braver, and asking me things like, "What is your earthquake plan?" and "Sweet tea is my most favorite drink on the planet."
He had me at earthquake plan.
I asked him about his earthquake plan, and he said the time he felt it, he yelled at his foster mom, that he was too young to die, and he hadn't even seen New York. What ?? He might be my little soulmate.
His big brother, chimes in about every other word parroting what little bro is saying, and never stops smiling.
I've never been more charmed in my life.
Even when they were hosing me down with their brand new water guns.
My dogs have never been in more bliss.
They didn't like my wheat bread on grilled cheese. Major fail.
They loved the teddy grahams, and the watermelon, and the fruit snacks, and the grapes. That was easy.
Big bro waters my tree leaves. and then turns around and waters me. Sweet.
Hallie came home shortly after these pictures and my polite, sweet little polite boy humans, became pre-teens. Acting snarky and smart mouthed. To impress a girl. My girl. My four heads taller girl that was relatively unimpressed by them. It only made them try that much harder. Snarkier, and snarkier. I was cracked up.
We fed ducks at the OU duck pond, and played at the splash pad. Older brother is very cautious, while younger brother runs like a crazy man to and fro. Have I mentioned, it is charming?.
I thought all kids liked the idea of pizza, so I threw it out, and lo and behold, my prince charmings asked for meatloaf and smashed taters. Well, sure, then. Meatloaf it is. They ate everything not nailed down. Apparently playing in the heat for 4 hours makes hearty eaters. No leftover all. Cool.
Tomorrow we are going to church, and tanking up at CiCi's pizza. We're going to go see a movie (not sure what yet) and then come home and eat dinner and play with glowsticks and badminton sets.
Then Monday, I'll pack them up about noon and take them back to their rested foster mom, then I will return home and go directly to bed, and try to rest before I go back to work on Tuesday.
After discussing plans, and weeding through the dollar store "treasures" I had bought each of them, younger prince charming declared, "This is our best weekend EVER in our lives".
I'm pretty sure it's top of mine too.
I guess my very most favorite part was mealtime prayers, when big bro hit about every third word, and enthusiastically yelled.... "AMEN".
Yep, I'm where I'm supposed to be. Wish you'd consider it too.
AWesome stuff! Thanks for posting! 1/2 of "us" wants to be where you are at , that 1/2 is praying that God will put it on the heart of the other 1/2!!
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing. The end!!!