It hit me as I was watching tonight's X-factor, rooting for Oklahoma's Brennin Hunt, that reality shows and their importance, have taken "reality" out of the picture. So many great people on that much despair this evening.
I watched Brennin's first "Promo" (if you will) on the show a few weeks ago, and it portrayed him as a cocky, arrogant guy. Knowing his parents, that was hard to imagine. But the show's ability to edit, and put any spin on any material that they want, can make "reality" not so real. But, hearing him sing, and knowing he had "Real" talent... I felt sure he would go the distance.
So I prayed for him. I prayed that God direct him, and give him all the guidance he needs as he walks a path of celebrity. That path is rocky and very few come out of it unscathed.
I listened to all the finalists talking tonight, and I was struck how they all said, "This is it for me, if I don't attain this, I'll go back to ....flipping burgers......wearing an apron.......singing at weddings....." you know the drill. All I know is what these people are feeling that they are limited to, might be a "Dream" to some people. And even flipping burgers, you should never give up on your dream.
I know. I tried out for Survivor. But God knew I would get on that show, and my tape got delayed and I didn't get in. I was unhappy for a time, but I got over it, because I know, now, for sure I wasn't ready to be a celebrity, and heaven knows, the world wasn't ready for me, either. Plus, I would have had to drink blood that season, and truly, I would have been peace out, both in consciousness, and in being voted out, because that's just something I could not, would not do.... but this blog isn't about me.
It's about LIVING THE DREAM. One guy said tonight that he would go back to his job, which was just a "Job", but wasn't his dream. Just last night I was reading in Luke, and Jesus told the people to be "Content with your job" or it may have been "Be content with your money"... (my short term memory is ridiculous)..... BUT what I am trying to say, is......... Your life SHOULD be your dream. If you flip burgers, flip them the very best you can. If you want to golly, SING. Go to church and sing, go to a karaoke and sing, SING. Cut an album and sing. If you want to speak.... figure out a way to do a Youtube video and by golly, SPEAK. Don't limit yourself.
It's so hard for me to listen to 14 year olds say on a tv show that "This is my lifelong dream". Uhm, You're stinking 14. You may still pee the bed. Now that my friend's son is out of the show (and I do believe God answered my prayer, because he needs to be a Christian artist, he would be HUGE), I will root for the Over-40's. Those 4 don't pee the bed anymore (well, Dexter, just may) and they have walked the walk.
What I learned from this experience is.. I'm not a big believer of "Reality TV" anymore.
I hope that people won't value themselves from a stupid tv show. I hope they take into account what they DO have. They have huge talent, and family and friends that love and adore them, and choices and TIME.
Brennin, you will never read this, but your statement tonight about being out of the business when you get to be 30 is just crazy. At 30, you will just be getting "it". Your talent isn't going to go ANYWHERE but where you take it, whether you are 26, 56 or 76. Don't give up on your dreams. And I'm not kidding about being a Christian artist. Oh my cow. You will be HUGE, and you will make a difference for the right reasons. I believe in you.
Perspective. Living the dream doesn't mean having the Big House, the Big Contract, the Big Big. Living the dream means doing what you love, with people you love and making a difference. I just THOUGHT I was living the dream a few years ago. And then I got a giant wake up call in the form of a little tiny girl, and she changed me. Living the dream is loving what you are doing and appreciating everything you have, and believing that what you have right this second is having it all. That's the real dream.
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