Then before I stepped in the shower, I stepped on the bathroom scale. Big mistake.
Now I know most of you are going "OH MY GOSH, SHE IS SO SKINNY". And that is true. To a point. I am the most out of shape, undertoned, used to be skinny person on the planet. And I don't care. Ok, that's a lie. I care. Kind of.
Well, I decide to start my diet. Which means, no sweet tea. Can't have sugar. No way, no how. So instead of my luscious RT 44 sweet tea I normally get, I order a regular tea from Sonic.
It was muy grosso. Even with three, count them 3, pink packets of fake sugar. Blek Blek Blek. So now my day is going downhill. No DDP, No sweet tea, tastes like armpit in a cup. I'm on a roll.
Now I'm at work. On time. With no good drink to make my morning go by and be a bright day. BUT, God sends rain, so that sends me on a happy raincloud kind of dance, and all the weight, no sugar, trouble is lost in a rainy, wonderful, cool splatter of water all over the ground.
So I'm happy .... well, a while. It's time for lunch, and I immediately plunge again. Drinking water, and nipping on food that works well on a diet. Food I don't enjoy. Food that makes me cranky. Diet food. Food for rabbits. Food for things that need to be on diets. In other words, stuff I don't eat.
And it's dad gummed time to eat. My dinner bell is ringing, and I have rabbit food and water.
Lacey will tell you that she would diet, except she'd have to give up her chips. I'm thinking my daughter is really really smart.
About the time I'm about to sink to my lowest low of the day and can't get any lower, I am presented with the cutest KIT (ok, it's not cute) of picture frame samples that I can carry (Think of the old Stanley Man that carried the big suitcase). That is now going to be me. I have samples for to sell. I am almost in business at the business I have been conducting business at for 3 months.
Yes, this ridiculous looking suitcase thrilled me to the point of almost euphoria.
That lasted about an hour, and then a customer called in, unhappy, and yelled at me. It wasn't even about me (this time), and He straight YELLED at me. On the phone. In a LOUD, unpleasant voice. Was that really necessary??
But, due to the rain, our driver didn't get to make deliveries today, and I got to leave the workplace and drive to Pauls Valley and see a customer. This may not sound fun to many of you, but to me this is HUGE. This is CHINA big for me. I am a traveler. Immediately felt the relief of "Traveling salesman".
Off I go, and I get home at exactly 5:00. And here I am at 5:50, sharing my bipolar day with you. While I drove, I thought about Hallie and her happiness of playing volleyball, Kip leaving in 3 weeks, Makayla (my step granddaughter) turning 12 tomorrow, Lacey's delight in raising almost $14,000 for Children's Miracle Network this past weekend, Brad's bday yesterday, and realized how wonderful life is. Even in the midst of my bipolar mood swingin' roller coaster kind of days.... God has the wheel, and all I have to do, is stay in the boat. I can do that. Just stay in the boat. and keep paddlin' like crazy.
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