All my life, I have worked non stop to avoid conflict. I mean, I will walk 47 blocks the other way to NOT have an argument with someone.
So imagine my surprise (and dismay) when I've been led by the Higher Spirit to share posts about my support for President Trump.
In 2016 I voted for him because I only thought he was lesser of two evils, and all I could think was "Oh boy, here we go, this will be fun."
Man, I was wrong.
President Trump has delivered on almost every promise he made during his campaign. He has exposed corruption, he has lifted restrictions, he has protected America, and he has given peace to countries that haven't had peace in decades.
He has promised, and he has delivered.
I'm not a political person. At all. My oldest children cannot believe (!) and just laugh when I talk politics with them now, because it is NOTHiNG I HAVE ever, EVER talked to them about. Didn't care. Didn't even give it a thought.
So don't think I'm an old hack in the political world. NOT AT ALL
Those first months, I was very skeptical of the President, his tweets would make me cringe, and his braggart, blow hard ways super annoyed me. Why Can't He Just Be Normal? I would lament to friends.
But then, lets fast forward to President Trump's second year in office, WHEN I EXPERIENCED first hand-- when all the tax relief started hitting for the single moms.
I've NEVER and I mean NEVER ever had tax relief. As a single mom that made ok money, I paid in at least 35-40% tax without fail. And then at tax refund time, I would get back around 3-4% if I was really lucky. So paying taxes and doing tax returns were always a biggggggg stress for me. Then Trump's tax plan took effect. I sweated out 2018, worrying if I was doing enough, did I fill out the W4 right? I sold my house! What about my exemptions? How was I going to survive this? And to my utter amazement, I got back a whopping 20% of my income in 2018, and at the advice of my accountant, held out zero taxes in 2019 and got back 12%! It was C R A Z Y. And such a relief, because housing and feeding and hauling and nurturing children is a LOT. Especially alone. So thank you President Trump. You made that happen.
With a kid in the military, it becomes paramount in importance to being at peace with other countries. I knew when she went in, that the likelihood of her having to be deployed was almost a certainty, but President Trump has calmed the storm. Mainly because he's a brilliant strategist and he isn't a pushover. The very thing that turns people off about him, makes him a beast at the negotiation table. And Hello, anyone that think he's a joke........why is he nominated for not one, not two, not three but FOUR Nobel Peace Prizes? How is the most "ridiculous" "overbearing" "non political" President, bringing peace to nations that others said WOULD never happen? And making peace with so many adversaries, This is something no one can refute. The "anonymous source" story about him calling military "suckers" and "losers".....just false. This man revers the military. He has done more for the military in his term than in decades. Military veterans have good health care for the first time in I can't even recall. He gave them all raises, and gave them new equipment, and is doing his utter best to get them ALL home from the Middle East
Everyone loves to throw his past at him and judge him by that. Well, phew, don't look too closely at my past. Is anyone free from flaws? I mean.....really. I'm not asking this man to be my preacher at church, I'm not asking this man to walk the earth like Jesus..... I am asking this man to drain the swamp that Washington has become. He has called out more main stream media, crooked politicians, he just takes absolutely no BS from anyone. WHAT OTHER KIND OF MAN could do that? A soft talker? A career politician that talks out of both sides of his mouth? So Does that make him a bully? If I had to have someone standing up for me to keep me alive, to keep my family safe, to keep a wolf from my door, I want someone that isn't afraid to go to bat and say some pretty crazy, obnoxious things in order to protect me. I would want someone willing to take a bullet for me, and I believe this man does that. He stands between Americans and socialism and he fights to keep us safe. And if you don't believe that, you are kidding yourself. And the man doesn't take one penny to do it. He donates his salary every quarter to a different charity. Oh my goodness I hear it already, "Well he's a millionaire, he doesn't need it." Listen, as much crap and lies and BS thrown at him and his family, if anyone deserves to take a paycheck for his hard work, with little or no appreciation, it's Donald Trump. AND HE DOESN'T. They show him signing his check over to a worthy cause, and doing it without even blinking an eye. Only Three presidents have done that before. Most presidents use their power to make more money. Not this man, because he doesn't need it. He already Has It. And his one goal, is to make this country great again. FOR US, for our children, for our grandchildren.
I posted what I thought was a pretty funny post on my facebook about President Trump going to have his mic turned off at the debates, and the signs I thought he should carry on stage to use as they cut off his mic (he didn't need signs, turned out, he destroyed all on his own and just brought the house down with his solid answers and class act) HOWEVER, the COMMENTS on my post. Whew. The hate. I try as hard as I can to keep it civil on my page. I normally listen and reply with an "I love ya but boy do we disagree on this", but the hits just kept on coming. Crazy accusations, ALL of them unfounded, just words of unhappy people, fueled by a corrupt main stream media, because let's face it, If there were SOMETHING out there, it would have been found, and this man wouldn't be president, because I promise everything about him has been scrutinized and put under a microscope and looked at in every direction, looking for a crack, a flaw, ANYTHING to condemn him. Nothing but bad press. And still...... is he blameless? Did he live a faultless life? Uhm, No. Have any of us? The man is trying to clean the swamp, and swamp animals aren't the friendliest beasts. They hiss and bite, and strike out and aim to kill. Swamp animals don't like light, they like the dark, where they can hide and live with secrets. President Trump brings the light. The light isn't welcome, so the light must go. With any lie, at any cost. And boy, I felt the sting. But whoa, I have some solid friends, rushing to protect me, stand with me, take the heat and the weight of the anger and hatred. And, by standing my truth, I lost some of my "friends".
I'm NOT a political person. I am a PASSIONATE person. I believe in God. I believe in the sanctity of life. I believe in prayer in schools, and the right to assemble in church. I believe in owning a gun to protect your family. I believe in strict laws to protect this people of this country. I believe in law enforcement and the military. I believe in love and compassion. If you don't believe that all the things I just shared, are being taken away from you, inch by aren't paying attention.
We, as Christians, need to be praying non stop prayers for our President and this country. We need to put a hedge of protection around him like no other. The enemy is working so hard in this country and feels to be winning. WE cannot be the silent majority anymore. God calls us to be HIS people, and HIS people need to be praying for a free country. We have to pray without ceasing over this election and God's will. We cannot be lax in our prayers. This is the most critical time in history, right now. My kids don't understand why I've gone so nuts over this. Because I believe God called me to go nuts. He has called on me a few times, and when I listen and be obedient, I see great things happen.
Pray. Without. Ceasing.
This has been weighing on me for awhile. We have to be bold now. We have to stand up for what is good and what is right and what is necessary. We have to be Bold like never before.
Believe me, I know I'm going to take some heat for this. I will hear "Plenty" when I share it.
But I trust in Him. He showed me his goodness and mercy through a tiny baby that He is Good, and He alone is our Portion. Let's never forget. Pray a hedge of protection around our President.
God is Good, Through all of the Storm, All The time.