It's every parents dream that your children learn to co-exist peacefully. Lacey & Kip get along like peas and carrots, always have, always will. Kip looks so much like Lacey that they are constantly mistaken for twins. Plus, while Kip is gearing up to go on her 11 month mission trip, she has been living over at Lacey's since she moved out of her "College" pad, and been inhabiting the house with them. They get along.
Lacey was thrilled, at 4 years old, to get a sister. She took care of her 6:00 bottle everyday, while I cooked dinner. Carl observed, and stood by for burping duty. Lacey is a nurturer.
She also joined in Kip's reindeer games, when Kip would slide whatever was handy on her head. In this case, those heavy training panties, that work kind of like armor. Tight and thick. I know Lacey was in charge of the ball caps, cause she was old enough to at least attempt to have dignity. Yes, she had her underwear on her head under that ball cap, too. Silly girls. You have to understand that Kip was already into her sunglasses phase (she still hasn't worked out of that), except she had them upsidedown. What is there not to love about that kid?
Another really fun thing you can do with sisters is fish with them in grandma and grandpa's driveway. Lacey would cast her reel (which was the whole point of this experiment) (with her little weight on it), and Kip would SCREAM all the way into the driveway and chase it. Who needs to catch fish? Little sisters are just almost as much fun.
I heard Kip tell Lacey recently "the best part of being a sister is getting to be an aunt". It was a love affair between Kip and Laynie.
You have to understand that Kip was ten years old when Hallie came along. She had been the "Baby" for 10 years. So to say that there wasn't tension would be stretching it.
Now, Kip loves Hallie, don't get me wrong.
Kip slapped a hat on Hallie's head to see if Hal would join in Kip's reindeer games. She did.
But for the most part, it's always been Lacey (forever in her big sister role), that had the patience and endurance with Hallie. We were all very old when she was born.
Dancing together at a family talent show, they entertained us with their antics.
I simply asked Lacey to help her cut some pants into capris, and this is what I walked into. Mayhem, sister style. Lacey had taken the cut off pants and placed them as leg guards over her jeans... Hallie had the new cut pants around her neck, and they both had found Hallie's gloves (that were the "in" thing, at that time), and had the music on so loud and were busting some moves. Sisters.
Now, stay with me. Kip is tolerant enough of Hallie to take pictures with her...
and always fixes her hair and puts her makeup on for any production Hallie is in. Kip is "HANDS ON" in the beautification department. Probably because she's a natural at it herself.
And, if it has anything to do with building something (even a snowman), our architect is on board.
Somebody watched from her stroller, all the snow games going on outside. Auntie peeked in to say hi.
So, it's not like Kip and Hallie fight all the time. But, seriously, sometimes it is like throwing two cats in a bag and waiting to see what happens. And this is so weird, because I seriously don't know anyone on the planet that my kind Kip doesn't love. She just doesn't have a mean, non-tolerant bone in her body. Except for this little sister. I'll ask her about it and Kip's reply, "She pisses me off". Oh. I didn't know that was criteria.
It really came to an ugly head on what we all now refer to as, "THE TRIP" (always with air quotes). I took my mom, Hallie and Kip to a fun filled stay in Little Rock, Arkansas. Sounds like an easy plan, right? Wrong! These two were in the back seat together, and I have never heard whining and griping and fighting like that since my brother and I were kids. Now I know why my mom was premature gray.
Needless to say, we don't take family trips anymore. Car trips anyway. So when Kip suggested that Hallie go to Falls Creek with her this year, you have to understand why I had a moment's pause. "WHA?" you WANT her to go with you?? yeah. Uhm...... Well...... Uhm..... okay.
Off they go, and last night Lacey and I made our way cautiously in. No broken glass. No traumatized children. And come to find out, Hallie and Kip had shared a bunk. SHARED A BUNK. Hallie on top, Kip on bottom. But that explains the face book post "I hate metal bunk beds, they squeak like crazy". Because Hallie isn't just a flopper when she sleeps, she is a bull on steroids. She jerks, she kicks, she hits, she grinds her teeth, she is a LOUD sleeper. So Kip handled it by pushing her over to the next bed. But also, what these sisters did this week, was see each other with new eyes. Kip stood up for Hal when the other girls were mean to her (and they were, our 12 year old 5 foot 10 inch, size 12 foot) sticks out like a sore thumb when she is around girls her age. She has grown like a tree this summer. Even picking her up this week, I am blown away how much taller she grew just this week. Wow.
Kip amazes me with her kids at camp. She is "Mom" to about 10 middle schoolers (ironic, I know) and they LOVE her. Lacey was going all Chuck Norris worried when it was time to gather the chicks and go to worship. Kip's shrug, and certain "Oh, they will find me", was so true. In a matter of minutes, here were 10 kids standing around her talking 25 miles an hour, and she was just unflappable. She would talk quietly to them, and they would all stop talking and listen to her. Lacey said, "Give me a roomful of toddlers and I am all in, but these teenagers, NO WAY". Kip is a natural.
Fast forward in the car, leaving the camp. We've left Kip behind to finish out being a parent, and Lacey and I are debriefing Hallie and seeing how things went. Did you shower? Yes, mom, I had to when we swam, it was gross. Good. Did Kip remind you? "Kip would say "Deoderant?", "Brush your teeth?", and "Let me smell your breath, here's some gum. Kip kept gum in my mouth THE whole time". Lacey and I were crying we were laughing so hard. And we also determined we loathe the way we laugh. We expel this burst of air that has no sound before we start braying like donkeys, and depending on how funny it is, we can expel that air for quite some time before sound actually comes out. We were expelling air pretty much all the way down the mountain.
The funniest and sweetest thing though, was when we got to talking about Kip leaving on her trip in about 5 weeks, and going to be gone for a YEAR, and that Hallie probably wouldn't go back to Falls Creek next year without her, she said, "MAN, (pause, while she is letting this sink in) Kip is going to be gone for a YEAR. (another pause) This sucks. Two weeks ago, I wouldn't have even missed her. Now I'm going to be missing her and stuff". Ahhh, the bonding joy of sisterhood.
Hallie had to go back in the lodge and give Kip a hug (even though Kip reminded her they had been with each other ALL week and had spent every breathing second together and she didn't need a hug).. they hugged and Hallie asked her when she would be home...... to which Kip replied .... "You already know the answer to the question, and it doesn't matter anyway... we aren't hanging out."
Oh, some things never change. Daughters. I'd advise you to have some. They are treasures in your crown.